Recently, CE is back on his bad habit of pulling jie jie's hair. And he really does pull very hard sometimes, to the extent where he'll pull some out! Jie jie is one funny gal. When didi wants to pull her hair, she doesn't want to get up quickly. Still sit or lie down and let didi pull. Then shout and complain to me that didi's pulling her hair. Sigh... can't they play quietly AND safely. Yeah, wishful thinking, I know. hehehe
Another game they like to play is catching. It's so dangerous to run around in the house. So many sharp corners and the tiled floor is very hard. XY loves to run and CE likes to catch. And they'll be screaming and laughing all the way. I know that's fun but it's just too noisy and unsafe. So I don't allow them to run in the house. I do bring them out to play in the garden in the evenings but they don't play catching on the grass. Not so fun maybe? Without all the challenging 'obstacles'.
They also like to play this game where didi will hold on to jie jie's shirt and walk behind her. It's quite safe if XY walks slowly. I'll just have to keep reminding her to slow down when they're at it. As an active girl, slow motion is something quite foreign to her. LOL I really love to watch them play together happily. I hope they'll have this special bonding forever. As for their rough play, guess I'll have to wait for them to grow a little older to be able to practise gentle play. In the meantime, I'll just use earplugs. :D

~ you lead, I follow ~
my kids also like to play "choo-choo-train" game...and my girl sometimes walks too fast and my boy falls down..and they all laugh together..hahaha... -_-"
It's wonderful when your kids can play together. It's really nice to see them at play, minus the fight, eh?
they're so cute! i can just imag!i can just imagine how much u love watching them!
at least time pass quickly at home, hehe...
so nice u have 2 kids at home playing choo choo train LOL. mine too likes run here n there..and then they go bang the door, then go up the bed then down, then repeat in circles...i see oso pengsan LOL
can see XY alot more taller than CE, unlike mine, almost same height :S
my kids also like to play together....
but normally end up with fighting...
it's great that both of them play together. i hope mine will be like that too :)
Wah using earplug?...Sure ur hse noisy like F1 circuit! hehehe...
It's always nice to have more than 1 kid. But the noise and fight can also drive you up the wall, eh?
My kids also did the same as CE and XY. Now they found a new game, jumping up and down from the bed and try to copy the clown in JOJO Circus. Wah pening kepala when I see both of them like this.
Ling, at least they laugh, not cry. :)
Joanne, yup... minus the fight.
Babybooned, b4 Gib has his own younger siblings, he has his cousins to play with.
Chin Nee, that's true.
Hazel, time to get Nelson a lil bro/sis. ;)
Jazz, XY's 3 yrs older than CE, unlike Faythe n Vyktore, just 1 yr apart.
Yatie, just can't avoid the fighting part ya.
Paik Ling, I'm sure they will.
Dora, sometimes I'm worried the neighbours will complain. hehehe
Audrey, I guess that comes in 1 package. :D
Sue, if they jump up n down the bed, sure kena whack edi. muahahaha
it's good that u r enjoying their 'play'!!
provided "IF" their play didn't end up with cries, whines or the likes, i wouldn't be bothered much but i tell my boys' case, almost each time, their play would lead us into scream & yell.... sigh!!
oh ya...imagine, 2 macho boys...that's double rough, the whole house also can 'tongkang terbalik' !!!
that's so sweet.. I love to see siblings playing and having fun together though sometimes they tend to give you heart attacks :-) to play without noise. More noise more fun!
I hope my gals will share a special bonding and be close to each other always too!
hi there. first visit..
hey, i guess most of the children love the same both kids play like this at home too. so worry that they may slip and fall, then break their teeth!
Jac, yeah... got laughter n screams of joy, sure got yelling n crying oso. That's wat we call kids lor.
Siew Ting, it comes in a package. hehehe
Mich, unfortunately, they're torturing Mommy's ears. :D
Shireen, I'm sure ur Charlie's Angels will. ;)
Caramel Corn, hi! Thx for dropping by.
Jacelyn, exactly!
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