In the morning, while I was 'busy' at the computer, PaPa let XY play with bubbles at the house compound. XY blew bubbles while CE tried to catch them. He even tried to blow the bubbles that have dropped onto the floor. He sat down on the wet floor (it rained that morning) and blew with all his might. PaPa just let him be coz he's already dirty and wet. Just change his clothes later.

~ The rice tasted much better than it looks. I forgot
to take the picture before mixing them up. ~
For brunch, we went to Puchong (Yap Chuan Restaurant) for bak kut teh. Coincidentally they were featured in Taste With Jason on tv that night for their famous dried bkt. After that, we headed to Sunway Pyramid as Kakak wanted to buy a digital camera. We bought that for her as part of her bonus.
As the kids (especially CE) were fussing coz they've skipped their afternoon nap, we decided to leave early instead of staying on for dinner. And we had a simple dinner at home.
ya.. ampang's famous for korean food but it's a bit far... there's also a dae jang geum at ampang if I remember correctly.. food looks good :-)
wah...the food looks good
my boy also likes bubbles but only if i continously blow them!
you've been tagged!
the korean food looks gd!
OH ok I'll try & c whether can catch u on Jason's show. Oops...but I don't know how do u look like!
wow, the korean foods look so yummy
hahaha...guess that was d time of the week that kids enjoyed the most...get wet, water & bubbles!!
ehh, what a coincidence, i just had a short mention on my latest post abt the Yap Chuan dried BKT (only 5mins drive from my home)... haha, i went there after watching Ah Xian's show too!! Tasty hor..but i didn't snap any pic too...
d korean bbq looks tempting too!!
have heard so much about the Korean food in Ampang...but have not tasted them :(
i yet to try out any korean food, worry my kids dislike them. I should try it myself hor!
i really should introduce gibran to various foods like korean and mediterranean. widen his taste buds!
anyway, ure such a great employer, slavemom, for giving Kakak a nice bonus! i on the other hand am still considering if Gib's bibik deserves a bonus or not this year.... aiseyman... sometimes ok sometimes not, u know..?! any tips? this is our first one, after all..
Nice play, nice food!! How can one resist this kind of weekend??
still remember those days with plain rice and soup most of the time during my Korea trip in year 2006. don't like the food much.
a tag for u here.....
You just reminded me that I haven't taken out the bubble solution for the kids to play for a long time now. They just love it as your photo shows. :)
Siew Ting, I know there's a Dae Jang Geum in Bdr Puteri, Puchong too.
Jazz, Wen & Hui Sia, yummy leh. :D
Paik Ling, like that ah... will run out of breath vy fast lor. hehehe
Dora, u won't be able to c me lah coz the shooting wasn't on that day. :)
Jac, yup, the dried BKT is vy tasty but hubs ordered the vy fat part. Since I don't eat the fat, there wasn't much meat to eat. :D
Chin Nee, vy far to go all the way to Ampang jes for a meal hor.
Jess, go try it one day. Most kids will like bbq food. The girls don't?
Babybooned, she's our 1st maid too. She oso give me headache sometimes. But look at her overall performance. I'd say she's vy good edi, esp after hearing so many 'scary' maid stories. As for bonus, u can give her a small one.. to encourage her to cont. her good work. Mine has finished her 2-yr contract edi.
Joanne, w/ends is when we can go out n look for 'good' food. hehehe
Jacelyn, thx.. will get to it soon.
Mumsgather, kids + bubbles = pure fun! ;)
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