After reading about the free gifts for Enfagrow/Enfakid in the latest Mama to Mama Newsletter, I asked hubby to buy Enfagrow from the chinese medical hall. Now I've collected four music sets. There're two themes - Friends of the Garden and Friends of the Ocean. But hubby said he only saw the garden theme. The ocean theme is quite cute too - a fish-shaped xylophone, jellyfish guiro, starfish handbells and clam castanets. Maybe I'll get them later. Have you collected these cute music sets for your kids?

~ clockwise from the top: handbells, guiro, castanets, xylophone ~
Cute! I like the dragonfly one. :)
wah.....i didn't know got such toy. must be new...can get or not if buy refill pack, must go check out medicine hall this weekend kekeke....
wah last time i gave ian enfa, oso got no such toys, but now i changed milk for my kids edi
ya i have few sets too...going to collect others as their stk level low now!
"those times"...i would have grabbed all these free gifts too but now we already say bye-bye coz my boys outgrow that phase....LOL!!
wow, i like the castanet, that's cute
huisia gift ahh? i just brought 4 pack yesteday at the medical hall but don;t have gift at all?
hi, some awards for you. hope u like it..
These are nice. Too bad my children don't drink cow's milk anymore.
Nice wor! But I don't get to buy formula milk, my lil one is not willing to leave my boobies alone yet! :(
walio this is really cool!
last time my boy drank enfagrow, but i changed to dutch no chance to get these musical toys for him :(
Audrey, I think the ocean theme's nicer.
Jazz, so how many did u sapu last w/end?
Wen, diff brands give diff gifts.
Jess, hv to be fast too. Coz the nice ones all ppl sapu liao. :D
Jac, save a lot of money leh. ;)
Hui Sia, I find this ladybug cuter than the clam.
Mei Fern, maybe they're still selling the old stock.
Hazel, awards... I like! Thx!
Joanne, what milk do they take?
Vivian, Naomi knows wat's best. And it comes free summore! :)
Big Boys Oven, thx for dropping by.
Shirley, nvm, u collect Dutch Lady free gifts. :)
ei u noe tis is the 1st time i bought the milk with gift here n i noe kl has been giving away the gifts.... just got 2 for samuel.. hehehe
Alicia, 2 oni? I'm sure he likes the whole set. :)
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