The day began very early as the students had to be at the stadium by 7:45am. PaPa drove her there first as we didn't want to tag didi along so early. By the time we got there (second trip), we've missed the march pass but in time to catch her performance, the Pom-Pom Dance.

While waiting for her sports event, she suddenly said she wanted to go home. We told her we'll go back immediately after her event (wheel barrow race), otherwise her partner would not be able to play as well. She's the one holding her friend's legs while her friend walked with her hands. It's quite fun and entertaining to see little children in action as they can be quite clumsy. hahaha Her team (Yellow house) got 2nd place. Apart from children's events, there're events involving the parents and teachers too. But we didn't participate as there was no one to look after didi.
After her event, she wanted to stay for the prize giving ceremony. She is so fickle minded. One moment she can't wait to get out of there, the next moment she wants to hang around longer. Didi was quite uncontrollable (walking and running all over the place), so I brought him to the car and gave him biscuits while PaPa waited with XY.
~ showing off her medal ~
Bravo XY, I never like sports day because of the sun.
i am waiting for Ian's sports day which is dont know when..this yr? next yr?
wei, ur girl very tall liao big girl edi and congrats. can start displaying her trophy liao
sebastian's sports day this sat, am really looking forward to it. look like mummy is more excited than the kid... LOL!
congrats to XY! next time can join a cheerleading team ehhh!
Your gal is cute with the Pom Pom! She must be proud of the medal she got huh?!
so cute yur girl with her pom pom!
bravo bravo got 2nd place. I was in yellow house too hehe...she must have felt chicken out when she saw the stadium so big, but after that sudah warm up wanna stay back haha
d sports day look so healthy... unfortunately my boys' kindy didn't organise any. so far only annual concert!
it must be a tiring day for all but luckily got d trophy as a good memories!!
u that d lil boy is recovered...u complaint he run too much...susah ahh?
Mich, I don't fancy the hot sun too but luckily the weather was quite good that day.
Wen, actually every1 will get a trophy coz there're oni 3 houses. :D
Fiona, that's pretty normal too! :D
June, oh no, those vy short skirts!
Dora, she was vy excited for the next few days. But now, totally forgot abt it edi. :)
Chin Nee, thx!
Jazz, same hse as u ah? But me green hse wor.
Jac, that was b4 ah boy got sick lah. See... 1 day he run all over the plc, the next day lie down on the mattress dowan to get up. We sure susah hati loh.
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