~ I think it's a fly... ewwww! ~
She told me she had already put it into her mouth, but spit it out to see what it was. She thought it was some kind of nut or something. I didn't ask further as I didn't want her to freak out (well, more like me freaking out). I had a few mouthfuls of her beehoon too.
So far, she's not complained of any tummy discomfort. I hope her tummy's strong enough to fight whatever germs that came with that extra ingredient.
So what do you do when you encounter such 'clean' food? You can't possibly go back to the shop and complain. Only thing to do is to ban that stall from future patronage. *eeeyer...*
yer!!!!!!!!!! hubby encountered a few times b4!!
when i was in kindy i remembered the frid noodle i had got 1 dead centipede!
yucks :|...aiyo, lucky she never telan that fly. as for me, got encounter hair before, that also i find it gruesome
That's disgusting! My cousin sucked up a worm from a Yeo's box drink! I was a witness. My hubby had a cockroach in his lunchbox, not once, but twice.
eeeyuuu... my goodness looks so scary
ooopsss...well, sometimes we find "extra ingredients" in our food...hahaha...but what to do?
just avoid buying from the same stall again loh...
so weird...not complain to the stall? next time don't go there lor..
There goes my supper...fortunately she spit it out!
Hi Slavemom, gosh! That is scary finding a dead fly in food. I would have expected you would have shown it to the stall owner?
Here, they have health inspectors going around, and all makan stores are given certificates paste outside their windows. Green, passed. Orange...means you better get your place clean fast! Red, failed, shop is closed, fumigated etc, till approved to be opened.
One day in China town, the health inspectors discovered rat droppings under some shelves...they closed all the foodcourt stalls...immediately, till the whole floor etc was cleaned and reinspected. It was in all the papers, Chinese press too...
Any makan store leave uncooked food on a kitchen table more than several minutes will get into problems.
Health inspectors even carry thermometers check fridges, food etc...and they don't wear uniforms too.
One day even a well known fastfood store was closed for cleaning and fined.
The fines are heavy too....and no store wants that red certificate pasted on their door. Remove it, pay triple fine!
If we were to eat at astore and see a rat or flies or whatever, just make a call, its game over for the store, kena full inspection, and today most everyone has cameras in the h/phones....habis cherita.
I bet now you will be loking carefully at your noodles, huh? Ha ha.
You keep well and have a nice day, Lee.
oh my god....i see also 'bulu naik' already!! can't imagine yr poor girl had that in her mouth... gosh gosh!!! really have to give her detox liquid to flush clean her internal system man.....
tsk tsk tsk!!
It looks like a bug! Many hawker stalls do not really care about the hygiene issue and that's why we stopped buying food from them, they even don't understand why. Anyway, hope XY is ok!
that one looked more like a bee than a fly la! yeah dun go back to the stall la.
Ginie, u sure this is a fly ah? macam very big and got bulu la....luckily XY was alright after that...
Oh dear, thank goodness XY and you were alright. I wouldn't go to that stall anymore too if I were in your shoes. I had a similar encounter while dining in a restaurant and asked for a change of dish.
I forgot that I have a tag for you
and there's an award for you about two weeks ago which you missed out. Here's the link:
good thing she didnt swallow! this is one type of "gar liew" (additional ingredient) that I can do without!
that's really gross!!! last time in one chinese restaurant, we found a used bandage in our shark fin soup!!
haiya... that's disgusting!
gakkkkkkk!! poor XY!! this exact thing happened to me once at Penang Village Restaurant in Taman Tun Dr. Ismail. Fried lalat in my fried meehoon!!! I complained and returned the half-eaten dish and they didnt charge us for that dish, but charged us for everything else. hmff!! needless to say we never went back there again. i hope XY (and u!) were ok!
haiya so bad....maybe must be careful next time la. lucky XY ok kan
aiyerrr....did she chew? how come she still can feel it? she may swallow it since it's small.
Luckily XY and I were ok. Looks like it's quite common to find 'extra ingredients' in ur food eh?
Unc Lee, it's not so strict here. In fact, not strict at all!
Chin Nee, I'm not too sure. Don't wanna know oso. *eeee* It looked vy big coz I cropped the pic.
Joanne, thx for the tag n award. Will get to it later ya.
Jacelyn, I din ask her. Scared she geli (coz I oso geli).
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