Sunday, July 22, 2007

Who Said The 2nd Time Would Be Easier

22nd May, 2006 – another important date in my life. The little Master decided to have the same zodiac sign as his father. So he came out to meet us 2 days later than the expected due date.

~ 1 day-old CE ~

The ‘show’ (spotting of blood-tinged mucous) came at around 1:15 am. XY was already asleep. So we had to wake her up. She was not happy at first but when told we’re going ‘kai kai’, she immediately woke up and became very alert. The hospital was just 5 minutes drive away (no traffic in the middle of the night). The nurse checked, and I was 3 cm dilated. Then CB went to do the admission.

By the time I was in the labour room, it was about 2:30am. Was told that the baby was not going to come out very soon. So CB brought XY home to get some sleep. The nurse will call him when I’m 7cm dilated. That should give him enough time to rush back to be by my side when I’m about to deliver.

According to the nurse, the contraction was not at a fixed interval, sometimes 5 mins, sometimes 8 mins apart. The very intense pain started at abt 3+, I think. At 4+, the nurse saw that I was suffering like h*ll, phoned the dr and asked if I should be given penthadine. Dr advised against it. If I deliver within the hour, baby may be drowsy because of the drug. At 5+, was 7cm dilated. Contractions were really unbearable. Was inhaling the laughing gas (ethonox) but not too helpful at such intense stage (was ok earlier on. I think I fell asleep in between contractions... felt a bit high too).

Just before it was time to push, CB appeared. Was so happy to see him. But at the same time, ignored him coz I was in terrible pain. When it was time to push, I was very tired after all the terrible contractions (come to think of it, who wouldn’t be?). Push and push and push, that baby of mine just wouldn’t come out. Dr sensed that I was starting to give up, he used forceps to help. Finally, at about 7am, the 3.8kg boy came out. Crying very loudly while the nurses cleaned him up. Then 1 nurse showed him to me, saying “See, it’s a boy”. The very tired and relieved me just saw his b*lls and said “Ok”. Baby had jaundice and was hospitalised for 1 night on the 5th day.

Now who said the second time would be easier?


ZMM said...

He's a big boy.. 3.8Kg! That's why hard to push out.. :P

slavemom said...

That's the excuse I gave myself for the blue-black mark on his temple (which thankfully isn't permanent)... due to the use of forceps.

milkmaid said...

Welcome to blogsphere and thanks for dropping by my blog :)

Cute pix of your children at the park too :)

slavemom said...

Thx to u too, milkmaid. I love to read abt Aiden's developments as he and CE are jes 10 days apart.

Anonymous said...

thou i've not experience natural birth, i do believe u that it will never be easy for 2nd, 3rd or... wonder d pain la...such a big baby, pengsan reading it..nearly 4kg man...nearly d weight of twins, hahaha!