The kids were really funny (and embarrassing). First, it was jie jie. She wanted to see what the lady was doing so I asked her to see from the window in the computer room. Then she referred to the lady as "Uncle". When I told her that's not an "Uncle", she continued with "man?" "No." "Abang?" hahaha "No." She was a bit confused when I told her that's an "Aunty". :D
Next was didi. He was peeping from the front windows. He too referred to the lady as "Uncle". :-| So jie jie corrected him. I hope the lady didn't hear any of the kids conversation. That'd be so embarrassing, right?
I spoke to the lady about the grass, which has dried up. She told me not to let the grass grow too long coz it'll cover up the roots and they'll dry up and die. We have to maintain the grass, trimming them every 2 months or so. I also need to water them on non-rainy days. They aren't as hardy as I thought they are. hehehe I'm really hoping with more care, the grass will eventually grow back.
From this green lawn one year ago...
... to this brown patch now. What an eye sore.
do u like gardening? for me, i dont like the hassle of having the cut the grass and maintaining it... so my porch area all covered now with tiles...
I guess if you follow the lady's instructions, the grass will soon grow and you will get back the green lawn you used to have a year ago :)
although hassle to keep grass...i kinda regretted by removing it. grass grow fast one....
Happy CNY to u & family
i personally dont like gardening, so i get a gardener to come in every month ;p lucky for us, uncle anthony has been doing H's family lawn for 20 years, so he charges us very little! hehehe. hope the grass grows well again soon!
you have to spray more water on it, especially during the dry and hot season. Otherwise, it may die completely....
From Jess
aiyo.....too bad ahh,
i can't resist to say it too... it's really eye sore lah...
go tiles it up lar!!
that's the best solution lor...u same specie like me, hahaha
thats really bad. be sure to water it twice a day with lots of water!
Kristie, I dun really like gardening. Dun hv flower pots at home (altho I'd love to hv some to beautify the home). We 1st decided to hv the grass area so that kids can play there n we hv some 'green' outdoor. But it's no longer green. :(
Fussy mum, I think there's hope coz it's not entirely brown now.
Rachel, it's nice to hv some 'green' in the compound. :)
BabyBooned, yes, lucky u!
Jess, yup, gotta give it more attn now.
Jac, dowan to tile up lah... wanna keep some 'green' in the compound. Nvm, I delegate this lawn care to maid liao. hahaha
Wen, now start to take care liao.
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