So where did I venture to? I went to Jacss' house, then hopped into her car and she drove us to Centre Point. Met up with Wen and Chanel for a mamak breakfast. So nice to catch up with the girls (my 2nd gathering with them), without the kids' "music" in the background. hehehe And thanks Wen, for the treat! After one round of yakking, our next stop -- Paik Ling's house, to visit her and newborn Bradley. The 2 kor kors (Bryan and Brandon) are starting to look like twins.
Coincidentally Jazzmint and Sue were there for baby photo shoot session. So glad to have finally met these 2 talented mommies, especially the ever helpful Jazzmint. I "knew" her way before I started blogging. She never hesitated to offer her help whenever needed. Faythe was there too, just as pretty as in photographs but smaller size in real person. She was so well-behaved while mommy was busy at work. However, she wasn't very talkative. Guess it's because she's not familiar with these group of aunties.
I also met this young leng lui and her family for the first time. Her 3 angels are so sweet and lovely. Aly, the 'tai kar cheh', was very 'guai' and quiet. True to her nick, Ms Social Butterfly, Sher was the friendliest one. She even waved goodbye to me when we left. You'd be surprised bb C is quite garang. She'll 'scold' you if you touch the toy she's playing with. hahaha

from left, Top : Jazzmint, Sue, Jaclyn, Wen, Paik Ling & bb
Bradley (the thorn among the roses); Bottom : me, Alycia,
Chanel, Shireen, bb C, Sherilyn (behind Shireen) & Faythe
Bradley (the thorn among the roses); Bottom : me, Alycia,
Chanel, Shireen, bb C, Sherilyn (behind Shireen) & Faythe
When so many women get together, there was no quiet moment. It was really great catching up with everyone. I hope we can do this more often. Maybe next time can arrange to meet down south (south of KL lah hehehe)?
that's nice..a get together..
Well done Slavemom. 30km's is double your previous record of 15km's. Next round can go south of malaysia edi, some 300km's away, ke ke ke. So nice to meet up with your blogger big happy family there! Eh, still not showing ur face?
Well done for driving out of your comfort zone. I have no prob driving to far places but prob in parking the car..hehe..I'm improving now. :P
So nice to meet so many mummy bloggers. You are so slim even after 2 kids! Amazing. I can imagine how you look like hehehe.
wah, so nice hor... meet up, next time do gathering at your hse lah! hehehehehehe...
Read about the gathering at Shireen's blog earlier and saw this same photo. It's certainly great to meet up with your blogger friends. Well done for setting a new record :) Next time can go further...
wow..what a nice gathering..but hey..why face blurred.. for safety precautions right? i see this post, i worry about mine.. anyway, it doesnt look like me .. i mean my post... i think i will take it off tomorrow..hahaa..
Love it!! Girls just wanna have fun!!
it was great meeting with you..also Well done and give a pat to yourself...
haha...yes, we indeed had 'FUN' :)
i felt happy for u too...finally managed to tempt u out, it means the start to more gathering out of yr comfort zone :P
hehe...yr huby gonna shakes head, blek !!
Aiyo..luckily didnt ask u to come by Subang for the stuff hor...Sorry I didnt know u got "curfew" one..haahahha
anyway great that u made it..and more to come ya ;p
it's nice sometime lepaking without kids
i was surprised when jacs told me u wld be driving to her hse!!! so u must be desperate to get out from the grilled door or urs hor.. :)
yes, i didnt know we were so loud until jazz told us.. so many mommies together sure luin sui..poor paik ling..
KL? u mean near ur hse ah? kekeke....
Wow! Nice~
nice gathering for mummies! :)
ok lah next round can drive straight to BU liao :P
Olive, still 'blog-shy' mah. hehehe
Mummy Gwen, slim's not the word. I'm small-sized. ;)
Irene, I'll arrange one some day, since u said u'll sure come one. :)
Fussy mum, a small step at a time.
Claire, errr... not really. More coz I'm shy lah. :)
Jac, thx for the 'opportunity'. ;)
Rachel, me quite hopeless hor. hehehe
Yatie, definitely!
Wen, yes lah... in my ulu town. U will come or not?
Jazz, BU ah... I think after many many many rounds. kekeke
wow! so nice!
mmm, still camera shy?
you're very slim ehhh...
It was a nice gathering.
Nice gathering..
*clap clap clap*
I can completely celebrate with you. I can totally feel how great it is to drive further than you used to, to drive beyond what you think you can't.... I CAN UNDERSTAND, cos I'm like that!!!!
And guess what? by stepping out of your comfort zone, you were rewarded by meeting people you like... *smile*
Well done girl, well done....
Wow! So many of you! Let me count, there should be how many market d? Hahaha......
I wish I were there. :)
so fun to have such a gathering..
nice grp pic!
ps you're invited to comment on my post too. =)
wow thanks for making that big step so that you could visit me!!! And well done too. Now you can drive anywhere!!
Yup, that's an achievement. I should also try to drive out of my comfort zone one day.
Next time, we have the gathering near our place. Missed meeting the leng lui. I wonder how she looks like.
It was really nice meeting you too. Eh, I'm not young anymore, a few more years, I'll hit the big 4!
June, hehehe more like 'blog-shy'. :D
Angeline, tq tq! It's really comforting to know I'm not the ONLY one like that. :)
Paik Ling, I'm glad I "grabbed" the opportunity. ;) Must really thank Jac Cheh lah.
Jo, I din know u hv a 'limited' license too. hehehe Yup, must plan a gathering near our plc. Let them come visit our ulu town.
Shireen, oh really? I thot u're in ur late 20s or early 30s. *wink wink*
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