Step 1 : Scream at the kids for playing with the door.

Step 2 : Search for the key. Try your messy storeroom.
Step 3 : Try the bunch of spare keys. Although you're almost 100% sure the key isn't there, who knows, it could be your lucky day. Or maybe miraculously, some other key is able to open the door.
Step 4 : Call your hubby to see if he knows where the key is. But don't count on it. Most of the time, he'd be clueless. :p
Step 5 : Search the internet for "How to open a locked door". One of the links given.

Step 6 : Start looking for expired credit cards or membership cards.
I used the iTalk phone card as it's not as hard as a credit card, so it's more flexible. Slide the card between the door and the frame. I started higher up where the gap is slightly bigger. Slide it down to where the lock is. Push and bend and twist the card, while pushing the door slightly.
Ta-daaa! The door's open!
Bravo! I tried that once with my old IC card. It works but damage my IC a little.
You're very calm 'coz u still can think of many solutions...
hehehe.... still can search net ... and u can open the door by using a card ??? oh ... brovo :P
WAHHHHHHH very good already.....
step 7 is celebrate!
Hahaha, Ginie, what a step by step post! Love your illustrations.
Nice try with the iTalk card! I didn't know it was that easy to pry open a door :) Thank goodness none of your kids were locked inside the room... but even if they were, the "professional" is there to rescue them.
The way you described a panicky moment is so entertaining:)
aiyoh..u so clever mummy leh... i never tot credit cards type can open locked doors.. *salute* *tabik* hahahaa.. added u already..
*jaw dropped*
You can qualify yourself to be a burglar now!!! Aren't you grateful that that young man invented the INTERNET???!!!
Kudos!! Kudos!!!
So it was 'scold scold scold' after the door swung opened? *giggle*
interesting tip..
yea the internet is alwiz there 24/7!
ps you're invited to comment on my post too =)
siap can go to internet lagi, hahaha!
well done mommy!
Phew! thank god you manage to get the door open. If my hubby, last resort would be banging at the knob and spoil the door! :p Not all attempts by using the cards can be successful. hehehe! You should look at my bedroom door. Need to get someone to change the whole door soon.
wow.. wat can we do without the internet eh? hahahaha..
LOL! I've had to do that before!!
cool! i didn't know it was so easy with a card!
WOW! u're good at opening the door with just a card!
if i were you, i will be so clueless and might hv to call up a locksmith right away!
i must learn the trick so i would know what to do when caught in this tricky situation!
btw, we keep spare keys in all our bedrooms in case accidents happen, you might wanna do that?
Haha.. nice sharing!~
wah!! searching for internet instead of calling out the neighbours, etc. so cool lar u!
lol!!! my God. u were still calm. if its for me, i would follow the first 4 steps only. prob teach kids how to open the door themselves
Wonderful! It sure is a lucky day! :P
haha, such a good ideas, if for me, i don't think i will have any ways to open the door
Mich, we're good burglars! hehehe
Dora, nothing to panic abt as the kids were not locked in. Last resort, jes break the knob.
Anggie, I was surprised it wasn't that hard. I guess it jes proved my lock is really lousy. :p
Rachel, Step 7 - Warn the kids not to ever enter the computer room or play with the door. :D
Jo, I EFNTD. hahaha
Olive, if they were locked in, they're old enuff to open the door. But if the lock has malfunctioned, I think the oni option is to smash the knob with a hammer.
Denesa, thx for dropping by!
Claire, I saw it in the movies, din know in works in real life. hehehe
Angeline, they were not locked in. So it was 'scold scold scold' every now n then while I was trying all the steps.
Wenn & Kylie, hope u wouldn't ever hv to use it. :D
SJ, we can't live w/o the internet these days.
Irene, hv to try to open myself. If not, hubby come home, he'll smash the knob!
Rose & mc, yeah... I think I hv a lousy lock.
Merryn, it'd be the end of the world. hahaha
Debbie, *hi 5* to a fellow burglar! :D
June, we hv a set of spare keys for the whole hse in our room. But we've chgd the computer room's lock b4 and we must've misplaced the keys.
2ma & Wen, the kids were not locked in. So I can slowly take my time.
Healy, in a way... yeah. :)
Hazel, the best is to keep the spare keys at an appropriate plc.
wah...u very keng wor....haha...
wahh steady lah u,can search net somemore. My best bet is the locksmith, but it'll cost me RM70 :(.
Wow..ada potential to be a burglar haha. You are a calm and smart Mummy lah. That's a good tip..hehe..very useful if Gwen started playing with locks!
Hi Slavemom, I wonder who panic most, you or the kids, ha ha.
Thats an old trick opening with a credit card.
But bear in mind, others can do that too.
If I were you I would change that lock....and keep the keys in a place only you, hubby knows.
Stay easy and keep well, Lee.
Wow... great tips! Wah! Can search from Internet too??!! Amazing!
Good tip! I never knew it's that easy to break open with a card.
hahahaha this is so awesome and priceless! u were great throughout the crisis! ;p
Unc Lee, at the moment, we dun lock that room. If we use that room as a bedroom later, then will hv to chg to a better lock.
Sharine, I'm one of those who can't live w/o the internet. :)
alamak....can think of searching the internet some more ahh!! i would have just given up hope & leave it to the man to 'kautim', no eye see type, LOL!
so u've now been very skillful to unauthorise open a door ehh... tsk tsk tsk tsk :D
Wah! U're very cool ar!!! If i am, i will go to search for the keys first, cannot then just ask hub to "pecah" the doorknob. hahahhahahhaha.
Eh, you really good ar, i read this before about use the card to open the door, didn't try, but never know YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
That's how wonderful of internet. You can search all types of info from there.
But I salute you la, you still remained calm at that moment plus net surf for the info.
Anyway, thanks for sharing. It is a good tips.
Luckily your laptop not lock inside as well...and u r still so steady and smart think of search net. Anyway, thanks for the tips.
Since my boy starts walking, I have a bunch of spare keys of all door in my kitchen's drawer (store in bedroom before this), coz kitchen no doors and it is always accessible.
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