Last week when we're at the cinema, I discovered something in the toilet. No, nothing yucky. But something concerning my maid.
While PaPa was buying the tickets, I was taking care of CE (chasing after him). So I asked Kakak to bring XY to the toilet. When PaPa's done, I went into the toilet to look for them. I found XY standing near the basins alone. Kakak was inside the toilet stall. When she came out, I told her it's not safe to leave XY waiting alone outside. What happens if some bad people take her away? Gosh... that's a scary thought. Told her if she needs to use the toilet, ask XY to stand inside, facing the door. Or bring her out to me first.
I always remind her to keep an eye on the kids when we're out. And never to follow any strangers anywhere, even if they said we asked them to. But I've assumed she knew how to handle XY in the toilet coz the previous Kakak wouldn't leave XY standing alone outside.
I'll usually bring XY to the toilet in shopping malls when we go out with PaPa. If PaPa's not with us, Kakak will be the one to do that coz I'll be taking care of CE. But I've always stayed somewhere outside or near the toilet waiting for them. Luckily nothing has happened. It's so scary, thinking about all those sick and crazy people out there.
Lesson learnt : Never assume your maid knows what to do, even when you think it's common sense.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
2 Blog Awards

The rules of the award are:
1. The winner puts logo on her/his blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of those you’ve chosen.
I'd definitely like to nominate more, but I always go by the rules. hehehe So here are the 7 nominated blogs for now :
(1) Jazz
(2) Juana
(3) Jacss
(4) Jo-N
(5) Unc Lee
(6) Anggie
(7) Ling
Blog Love
Love is in the air... let's spread it all around! Thanks Alicia, for this lovely tag.
Credits: Elements/Paper by Dani Mogstad/ Layout by JennyL (Pls. don’t remove)
1. Don’t remove the credits when you post the image.
2. Please link back to the person who tagged you and pass this tag to many of your friends.
3. If you have more than one blog, please post this to all of your blogs so your other blogs can be listed to the master list too.
4. Remember to come back here at A SLICE OF LIFE (pls. don’t change this link) and leave the exact post url so I can add you to the master list to help increase our rankings and improve our Technorati Authority.
5. Spread the BLOG LOVE FEVER!!
1.Jenny Said So 2.Simply Jen 3.This and That 4.Bargain.Sales.Deals 5.A Slice of Life 6.Aussie Talks 7. When Mom Talks 8. Me and Mine< 9. Creative in Me 10. For the LOVE of Food 11. Little Peanut 12. Pea in a Pod 13. It’s Where the HEART Is 14. Around the World 15.SugarMagnolias 16.kathycot 17. buhay misis 18. when mom speaks 19. walk on red 20. kathycot cooks 21.quicker8 22. Eds Mommy Life 23. My Precious Niche 24. Just Me.. Eds 25. Can of Thoughts 26. Designs By Vhiel 27. Vhiel’s Corner 28. Anything and Everything in Between 29. Good things in life… 30. Precious Moments.. 31.Beachlover 32.CookingMomster 33. AnythingLah! 34. Chen Xi & Mama's Blog 35. The 4 Thoo 36. Slavery Bliss 37. Your blog is the next
Spreading lots of love over to :
Wen (especially for Ian, Happy 5th Birthday!)
Linda (for your wonderful loving family)
bp (for li'l princess Kaitlyn)
Shireen (for your li'l tough cookie)

1. Don’t remove the credits when you post the image.
2. Please link back to the person who tagged you and pass this tag to many of your friends.
3. If you have more than one blog, please post this to all of your blogs so your other blogs can be listed to the master list too.
4. Remember to come back here at A SLICE OF LIFE (pls. don’t change this link) and leave the exact post url so I can add you to the master list to help increase our rankings and improve our Technorati Authority.
5. Spread the BLOG LOVE FEVER!!
1.Jenny Said So 2.Simply Jen 3.This and That 4.Bargain.Sales.Deals 5.A Slice of Life 6.Aussie Talks 7. When Mom Talks 8. Me and Mine< 9. Creative in Me 10. For the LOVE of Food 11. Little Peanut 12. Pea in a Pod 13. It’s Where the HEART Is 14. Around the World 15.SugarMagnolias 16.kathycot 17. buhay misis 18. when mom speaks 19. walk on red 20. kathycot cooks 21.quicker8 22. Eds Mommy Life 23. My Precious Niche 24. Just Me.. Eds 25. Can of Thoughts 26. Designs By Vhiel 27. Vhiel’s Corner 28. Anything and Everything in Between 29. Good things in life… 30. Precious Moments.. 31.Beachlover 32.CookingMomster 33. AnythingLah! 34. Chen Xi & Mama's Blog 35. The 4 Thoo 36. Slavery Bliss 37. Your blog is the next
Spreading lots of love over to :
Wen (especially for Ian, Happy 5th Birthday!)
Linda (for your wonderful loving family)
bp (for li'l princess Kaitlyn)
Shireen (for your li'l tough cookie)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
28 Months Old

CE turned 28 months old. Some of his updates here :
Alphabets & Numbers
He's recently shown some interests in learning ABCs. And he's picking them up very fast. The new educational series on PHDC, WordWorld, started just at the right time early this month. I think it helps a lot in his learning process. Now he knows about 75% of the alphabets. He likes to pick out the alphabets from the ABC mats and show them to me, saying the alphabet out loud. What a show-off. :D
He can count from 1 to 10. As for recognising numbers, he's still a little confused with 6 and 9. But he knows if it's not 6, it's 9 and vice versa. He can also countdown from 5. "Fais, four, three, two, one!"
He's starting to sing some songs, either when he hears it being played on tv or when we (me and jie jie) are singing. Those are not nursery rhymes but songs or theme songs from his favourite PlayHouse Disney programmes (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Tiny Planets, Little Einsteins, Dibo the Gift Dragon). Usually he only sings the last word of each sentence.
Wash Hands
I try to make it a habit for the kids to wash their hands before and after eating. When he's in a good (and cooperative) mood, he'll go to the bathroom, switch on the tap and wash his hands when I ask him to "wash your hands". By the time he's at the basin, I'd be there beside him, to wash his hands. Can't expect a 2 year-old to wash his hands properly on his own, right? Sometimes he'll try to be difficult and insist that I bring him to the basin instead of Kakak. Other times, I'll have to drag or carry him (by force) to the basin. :-|
From Mie to Bamee
Out of a sudden, he starts calling me "Bamee" (Mummy). He's been calling me "Mie"/"Ah Mie"/"Mie ya" all this while. Have to keep correcting him, "I'm not Bamee, I'm Maaa... Mami". But I'm sure he'll get it right in no time. Just like when he suddenly said "seven" instead of "nyeyen". :-)
He doesn't allow me to tie my hair or put on a headband. The weather's so hot lately so I tied my hair up (the back is a bit long already). He'll quickly come and pull off the rubber band. And if I put a headband (fringe too long), he'll remove it too. High time for my visit to the salon.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Good Food & Movie Day
Hubby has some Tai Thong vouchers which are expiring end of this month. As this is a popular month for weddings, we knew the place would be packed during dinner. So we decided to go for lunch yesterday at the Cheras outlet. While waiting for the food, we ordered some dim sum as starters. :-)

The verdict : a very satisfactory meal. We were too full by the time the noodles were served. We (3 adults and 1 child) couldn't finish all the food so we packed back the remaining noodles and peking duck roll.
Since we didn't manage to catch a movie the day before, we were determined to try again. We've checked the screening time before leaving the house. Looked like the timing's good this time so we walked opposite to Leisure Mall's GSC cinema. We watched MONEY NO ENOUGH 2. Quite an entertaining show, with some really sad parts. It was not as hilarious as the 1st movie. It's about the common man's problems in this materialistic society.
Again, didi gave me a false alarm. After the show started for awhile, he wanted to go to the toilet. It was much easier this time, with a potty seat which was clean enough for him to sit on. Moreover Kakak was with me so I had an extra pair of helping hands. His diaper was quite dry but I changed him into diaper pants (easier mah). Although I missed some of the show, I wasn't that angry this time.
Back in the cinema, he refused to sit down. I had to carry him and rock him, standing behind the cinema. Luckily he didn't take too long to fall asleep. Went back to my seat and enjoyed the rest of the show. He woke up after we got out.
XY, as usual, was busy eating her fresh corns and popcorns (feeding me as well coz she didn't want me to take the whole box :-|). I did hear her laughing at some hilarious scenes.
This is my second movie in the cinema after XY was born. But it was hubby's first. Asked him how it was, he said he has a backache. :p Guess the seat wasn't too comfortable for him. That's the disadvantage for having long legs. hahaha Overall, it was quite a relaxing outing.

The verdict : a very satisfactory meal. We were too full by the time the noodles were served. We (3 adults and 1 child) couldn't finish all the food so we packed back the remaining noodles and peking duck roll.
Since we didn't manage to catch a movie the day before, we were determined to try again. We've checked the screening time before leaving the house. Looked like the timing's good this time so we walked opposite to Leisure Mall's GSC cinema. We watched MONEY NO ENOUGH 2. Quite an entertaining show, with some really sad parts. It was not as hilarious as the 1st movie. It's about the common man's problems in this materialistic society.
Again, didi gave me a false alarm. After the show started for awhile, he wanted to go to the toilet. It was much easier this time, with a potty seat which was clean enough for him to sit on. Moreover Kakak was with me so I had an extra pair of helping hands. His diaper was quite dry but I changed him into diaper pants (easier mah). Although I missed some of the show, I wasn't that angry this time.
Back in the cinema, he refused to sit down. I had to carry him and rock him, standing behind the cinema. Luckily he didn't take too long to fall asleep. Went back to my seat and enjoyed the rest of the show. He woke up after we got out.
XY, as usual, was busy eating her fresh corns and popcorns (feeding me as well coz she didn't want me to take the whole box :-|). I did hear her laughing at some hilarious scenes.
This is my second movie in the cinema after XY was born. But it was hubby's first. Asked him how it was, he said he has a backache. :p Guess the seat wasn't too comfortable for him. That's the disadvantage for having long legs. hahaha Overall, it was quite a relaxing outing.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
False Alarm
Just got back from wasting some time in the shopping mall. The pest control people came at 12+. So we had to find a place to 'hide' (get out of the house for a few hours for the smell to dissipate). We initially planned to catch a movie at the cinema, if the timing's right. But after lunch, it was almost 3pm. There was no movies showing till 4+. As hubby has a wedding dinner to attend tonight, we just walked around and shopped at Jusco (bought the kids' things and food stuff).
When PaPa was buying lunch at KFC, CE told me he wanted to "sai sai". I asked him again and he said "yes". Sigh... I've to bring both the kids (XY wanted to pass urine as well) to the toilet myself (we left Kakak at BIL's house). So while PaPa was lining up to buy food, I brought them to the toilet. Had to walk rather fast and kept telling CE to wait.
It was very difficult to take off CE's shoes, pants and diaper when there's nowhere clean for him to stand. I didn't go to Jusco's child-friendly toilet. And when I took off his diaper, he only passed urine. Carried him for awhile, making the nggg... nggg... sound. Nothing. I was really angry coz this isn't the first time he said "sai sai" in the shopping mall but nothing came out when we were in the toilet. Grrr...
Next difficult task was to wear his diaper. Since there's nowhere to lie down, I wore his diaper while he was standing up. Yes, that is possible! There was no leakage. ;) Luckily he didn't request to go to the toilet for the 2nd time. If it's a false alarm again, he'll definitely get a good smack.
On the way home, both of them konked out in the car, as expected. When we reached home, XY was able to get down from the car herself but CE didn't even stir when I changed his diaper and pants on the bed. They get very cranky and tired if they skipped or delayed their nap time. They are still napping now. Looks like they won't be sleeping early tonight.
When PaPa was buying lunch at KFC, CE told me he wanted to "sai sai". I asked him again and he said "yes". Sigh... I've to bring both the kids (XY wanted to pass urine as well) to the toilet myself (we left Kakak at BIL's house). So while PaPa was lining up to buy food, I brought them to the toilet. Had to walk rather fast and kept telling CE to wait.
It was very difficult to take off CE's shoes, pants and diaper when there's nowhere clean for him to stand. I didn't go to Jusco's child-friendly toilet. And when I took off his diaper, he only passed urine. Carried him for awhile, making the nggg... nggg... sound. Nothing. I was really angry coz this isn't the first time he said "sai sai" in the shopping mall but nothing came out when we were in the toilet. Grrr...
Next difficult task was to wear his diaper. Since there's nowhere to lie down, I wore his diaper while he was standing up. Yes, that is possible! There was no leakage. ;) Luckily he didn't request to go to the toilet for the 2nd time. If it's a false alarm again, he'll definitely get a good smack.
On the way home, both of them konked out in the car, as expected. When we reached home, XY was able to get down from the car herself but CE didn't even stir when I changed his diaper and pants on the bed. They get very cranky and tired if they skipped or delayed their nap time. They are still napping now. Looks like they won't be sleeping early tonight.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Mooncake Festival 2008
We went back to PIL's house (in Johor) for Mooncake Festival. It was a merry celebration (similar to CNY) as BIL and family and SIL (who's working in Singapore) went back too. We don't normally go back during Mooncake Festival but since it fell on a Sunday this year, we all planned a trip back.
Our last trip home was during CNY. High time to make a trip home as we miss the local food very much. Well, not that we don't miss the elders. Of coz we want to visit them too. We do see them quite often though (once every 1 to 2 months) as they come to visit us. Back to food, the must-haves are 'koay chap' (a variety of dishes, usually braised, served with flat rice noodles or rice), fish ball noodles, duck meat noodles and fried radish cake, to name a few. *slurp slurp* (Sorry, no photos of these food. Obviously, this is the work of a non-professional blogger. :p)
When we reached the town, we wanted to eat 'koay chap' but the shop was not open. Had fish ball noodles instead. We figured it won't be open the next day too as it was the Mooncake Festival. So we planned to have it for lunch on Monday. Unfortunately, we didn't get to eat it coz we went a little early (11+) and they weren't open yet (so we thought they were closed again for the day). Surprisingly, most of our frequently visited shops were closed. Must be because everyone was very tired after the festival and took the opportunity to rest for a day. So we drove around town, 'hunting' for food. In the end, we settled for fish ball noodles again. But after we had eaten, we went to that area and saw that it was open. Grrr...
Mooncake Festival
We invited some relatives over for dinner. Most of the food was bought. MIL prepared some dishes - fried noodles, fried bihun and vegetarian curry. XY and CE loved the fried noodles very much. They've had that for breakfast. CE can't seem to get enough of it. He's taken his dinner (rice) and he had 2 plates of the noodles (equivalent to a serving for a small-eater adult). He sure loved them coz it was very tasty adult food (it was not 'processed' - I usually rinse adult food with water before feeding him :p).

After a yummilicious dinner, we had mooncakes and Chinese tea. The adults were chit-chatting, some watching tv. XY and CH were playing with computer games (playhousedisney) while CE played alone coz no one wanted to play with him. Poor fella. Luckily he kept himself occupied with the Barney puzzle, which didn't last too long.
PIL bought 3 Garfield balloon lanterns for the kids. Purposely bought the same type so they won't snatch from one another (last year was 1 Hello Kitty and 2 Doraemon - the boys wanted Hello Kitty too :-|). But they didn't play with any lanterns that night. In fact, nobody played with lanterns. It was purely an eating festival, with no lanterns. hahaha
Our last trip home was during CNY. High time to make a trip home as we miss the local food very much. Well, not that we don't miss the elders. Of coz we want to visit them too. We do see them quite often though (once every 1 to 2 months) as they come to visit us. Back to food, the must-haves are 'koay chap' (a variety of dishes, usually braised, served with flat rice noodles or rice), fish ball noodles, duck meat noodles and fried radish cake, to name a few. *slurp slurp* (Sorry, no photos of these food. Obviously, this is the work of a non-professional blogger. :p)
When we reached the town, we wanted to eat 'koay chap' but the shop was not open. Had fish ball noodles instead. We figured it won't be open the next day too as it was the Mooncake Festival. So we planned to have it for lunch on Monday. Unfortunately, we didn't get to eat it coz we went a little early (11+) and they weren't open yet (so we thought they were closed again for the day). Surprisingly, most of our frequently visited shops were closed. Must be because everyone was very tired after the festival and took the opportunity to rest for a day. So we drove around town, 'hunting' for food. In the end, we settled for fish ball noodles again. But after we had eaten, we went to that area and saw that it was open. Grrr...
Mooncake Festival
We invited some relatives over for dinner. Most of the food was bought. MIL prepared some dishes - fried noodles, fried bihun and vegetarian curry. XY and CE loved the fried noodles very much. They've had that for breakfast. CE can't seem to get enough of it. He's taken his dinner (rice) and he had 2 plates of the noodles (equivalent to a serving for a small-eater adult). He sure loved them coz it was very tasty adult food (it was not 'processed' - I usually rinse adult food with water before feeding him :p).

~ or chean (oyster omelette), satay, fried noodles, otak-otak,
fried bihun, grilled fish, ketupat, vegetarian curry ~
fried bihun, grilled fish, ketupat, vegetarian curry ~
After a yummilicious dinner, we had mooncakes and Chinese tea. The adults were chit-chatting, some watching tv. XY and CH were playing with computer games (playhousedisney) while CE played alone coz no one wanted to play with him. Poor fella. Luckily he kept himself occupied with the Barney puzzle, which didn't last too long.
PIL bought 3 Garfield balloon lanterns for the kids. Purposely bought the same type so they won't snatch from one another (last year was 1 Hello Kitty and 2 Doraemon - the boys wanted Hello Kitty too :-|). But they didn't play with any lanterns that night. In fact, nobody played with lanterns. It was purely an eating festival, with no lanterns. hahaha
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Snip Snip Snip
Brought the kids for a haircut on Monday. CE's hair has grown very long already, covered about 1cm of the ears. Although he's not complaining (and the front hasn't touched his eyes yet), I'd better cut it before everyone thinks I have 2 girls (also to stop his hair-tying requests). As for XY, her fringe has started to irritate her eyes. High time for a visit to the salon.
I purposely brought both of them together so that didi can see jie jie having a haircut, hoping he'd give full cooperation when it's his turn. Jie jie didn't give much problems. She even told the Aunty to cut a bit only as she wanted to keep her hair long. But she likes to open her eyes big big to look in the mirror and talk while the Aunty's cutting her hair till the hair went into her eyes and mouth.
When it was didi's turn, he refused to sit on the chair. So I had no choice but to carry him. He didn't like to be wrapped in the plastic sheet too. And he didn't allow Aunty to touch his head. I tricked him with a lollipop. Told him I'll open it for him after he's done. He seemed to buy it, holding it while I carried him, Aunty snipping away, without any protective sheet. There was hair all over our hands, legs and clothes. As he didn't like the sound of the shaver, scissors were used. So it's slower. After he's warmed up (Aunty tried to play with him), she used the shaver to tidy up the back (with a little bit of protest from him). When he's done, he's totally forgotten about the lollipop.
After lunch, XY asked for a lollipop. I gave CE 3 licks, rinsed it with water, then gave it to jie jie. Well, I did keep my promise of a lollipop treat.

I purposely brought both of them together so that didi can see jie jie having a haircut, hoping he'd give full cooperation when it's his turn. Jie jie didn't give much problems. She even told the Aunty to cut a bit only as she wanted to keep her hair long. But she likes to open her eyes big big to look in the mirror and talk while the Aunty's cutting her hair till the hair went into her eyes and mouth.
When it was didi's turn, he refused to sit on the chair. So I had no choice but to carry him. He didn't like to be wrapped in the plastic sheet too. And he didn't allow Aunty to touch his head. I tricked him with a lollipop. Told him I'll open it for him after he's done. He seemed to buy it, holding it while I carried him, Aunty snipping away, without any protective sheet. There was hair all over our hands, legs and clothes. As he didn't like the sound of the shaver, scissors were used. So it's slower. After he's warmed up (Aunty tried to play with him), she used the shaver to tidy up the back (with a little bit of protest from him). When he's done, he's totally forgotten about the lollipop.
After lunch, XY asked for a lollipop. I gave CE 3 licks, rinsed it with water, then gave it to jie jie. Well, I did keep my promise of a lollipop treat.

~ not so girlie anymore ~
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
I'm republishing this post as it has mysteriously disappeared from my blog today. It was published yesterday and there was 2 comments (in my e-mail). I can also see this post in the Google Reader. But when I checked my blog just now, it's not here and the copy in the draft is the older version. It's like it has travelled back in time. *twilight zone music in the background* Oooo... what a mystery!
CE likes to play with the UNO cards after his bath. The cards were taken from my room and left in his changing room. I used to play with XY, not according to the UNO rules though. Was teaching her which number is bigger between 2 cards.
He plays by taking a card, then says the number. Like testing himself. After weeks of playing, he can now recognise numbers 0 - 9. Earlier he was a bit confused between 1 & 7, 3 & 8 and 6 & 9. Now he's much familiar with all the numbers except 6 and 9.
He also likes to recite the numbers whenever he feels like it. "One, two, three, four, fais, sic, nyeyen, twelve, piteen, pipteen." hahaha Yeah, after 7 is 12, 14, 15. But with a little reminder, he can recite from 1 - 15.
CE : *counts till 7*
Me : *interrupts him* What's after 7?
CE : Eight, nine, ten *pause*
Me : 11
CE : Twell *pause*
Me : 13
CE : Pipteen!
Me : No... 14. Then?
CE : Pipteen!
That was more than a week ago when I drafted this. Now he can recite from 1 - 10, with more accurate pronunciations. "One, two, three, four, fais, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!" Ten is usually with an exclamation mark. :D

~ learning numbers with UNO cards ~
CE likes to play with the UNO cards after his bath. The cards were taken from my room and left in his changing room. I used to play with XY, not according to the UNO rules though. Was teaching her which number is bigger between 2 cards.
He plays by taking a card, then says the number. Like testing himself. After weeks of playing, he can now recognise numbers 0 - 9. Earlier he was a bit confused between 1 & 7, 3 & 8 and 6 & 9. Now he's much familiar with all the numbers except 6 and 9.
He also likes to recite the numbers whenever he feels like it. "One, two, three, four, fais, sic, nyeyen, twelve, piteen, pipteen." hahaha Yeah, after 7 is 12, 14, 15. But with a little reminder, he can recite from 1 - 15.
CE : *counts till 7*
Me : *interrupts him* What's after 7?
CE : Eight, nine, ten *pause*
Me : 11
CE : Twell *pause*
Me : 13
CE : Pipteen!
Me : No... 14. Then?
CE : Pipteen!
That was more than a week ago when I drafted this. Now he can recite from 1 - 10, with more accurate pronunciations. "One, two, three, four, fais, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!" Ten is usually with an exclamation mark. :D
Thursday, September 04, 2008
The Power Of Motherhood
... I can eat anywhere!
This morning, I asked Kakak to make 2 pieces of french toast for me. While I was eating the first piece, CE came to me, touching his backside and said, "sai sai". So I gobbled down that piece I was holding and brought him upstairs. I quickly took off his pants (it was clean, good!) and put him on the toilet seat.
He's quite alright with his big business. He can tell when he needs to poo and normally won't soil his pants. But if Kakak's the one looking after him when he has the urge, sometimes he won't tell her till it's too late. I don't know why but he doesn't like Kakak to accompany him in the toilet, unlike last time with the previous Kakak. She used to accompany him every morning while he's sitting on the toilet seat.
As I was quite hungry, I brought my bread upstairs and ate in the room. With the attached bathroom door open, I can see him clearly. Some of you may feel disgusted eating so near to the toilet (with someone doing his big business some more) but I'm okay with it. Well, he's my flesh and blood and more importantly, I couldn't smell anything. hahaha It'd be interesting to know, how does motherhood (or fatherhood) change your perspective about disgusting things or situations?
This morning, I asked Kakak to make 2 pieces of french toast for me. While I was eating the first piece, CE came to me, touching his backside and said, "sai sai". So I gobbled down that piece I was holding and brought him upstairs. I quickly took off his pants (it was clean, good!) and put him on the toilet seat.
He's quite alright with his big business. He can tell when he needs to poo and normally won't soil his pants. But if Kakak's the one looking after him when he has the urge, sometimes he won't tell her till it's too late. I don't know why but he doesn't like Kakak to accompany him in the toilet, unlike last time with the previous Kakak. She used to accompany him every morning while he's sitting on the toilet seat.
As I was quite hungry, I brought my bread upstairs and ate in the room. With the attached bathroom door open, I can see him clearly. Some of you may feel disgusted eating so near to the toilet (with someone doing his big business some more) but I'm okay with it. Well, he's my flesh and blood and more importantly, I couldn't smell anything. hahaha It'd be interesting to know, how does motherhood (or fatherhood) change your perspective about disgusting things or situations?
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Fun @ Sunway Lagoon
Since we didn't bring the kids anywhere during the 1-week school holidays, we brought them to Sunway Lagoon on Monday. We went with BIL and family but in separate cars. We left first for an early lunch at Dragon-i Restaurant in Sunway Pyramid.
XY likes the la mian and she can finish one whole bowl herself. The last few times, I ordered the la mian with wantons but she didn't really eat the ingredients. So this time, I ordered a plain bowl of la mian for her. Didi also ate a bit of the noodles after he's finished his rice (brought from home). He's starting to like noodles, not just eat rice, rice and rice.
We decided to go on Monday, hoping the place wouldn't be so crowded as the Muslims' fasting month has started. I think the crowd's not that bad, as compared to our trip last year, which was really crowded with tourists from the Middle East.
The kids played mainly at Kalahari Kids. It's more suitable for CE and CH. After awhile, I brought XY to play at another area for children (with longer and bigger slides) but I don't really like it coz it doesn't look very safe with kids all over the place, mostly without adult supervision.
After playing for 2+ hours, it rained cats and dogs. It rained so heavily and the wind was very strong that all our things got a bit wet (we were at the deck area). We were stranded there for more than half an hour. Once the rain got lighter, we left for home at 4+pm. At first, we planned to have dinner there but the rain spoilt our plan. :( The kids' playtime had to be cut short too. Anyway, I'm sure they're happy and satisfied with the day's activities.
XY likes the la mian and she can finish one whole bowl herself. The last few times, I ordered the la mian with wantons but she didn't really eat the ingredients. So this time, I ordered a plain bowl of la mian for her. Didi also ate a bit of the noodles after he's finished his rice (brought from home). He's starting to like noodles, not just eat rice, rice and rice.
We decided to go on Monday, hoping the place wouldn't be so crowded as the Muslims' fasting month has started. I think the crowd's not that bad, as compared to our trip last year, which was really crowded with tourists from the Middle East.
The kids played mainly at Kalahari Kids. It's more suitable for CE and CH. After awhile, I brought XY to play at another area for children (with longer and bigger slides) but I don't really like it coz it doesn't look very safe with kids all over the place, mostly without adult supervision.
After playing for 2+ hours, it rained cats and dogs. It rained so heavily and the wind was very strong that all our things got a bit wet (we were at the deck area). We were stranded there for more than half an hour. Once the rain got lighter, we left for home at 4+pm. At first, we planned to have dinner there but the rain spoilt our plan. :( The kids' playtime had to be cut short too. Anyway, I'm sure they're happy and satisfied with the day's activities.
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