*cough cough cough* Gosh, so much dust and cobwebs in here. Some of you might have thought I've abandoned this blog or retired from blogging... or something. :-) Well, I don't want to bore you with the excuses. So let's just have some updates. Hmmm... where should I start? Okay, in some sort of chronological order :
CNY 2012
The journey back to our hometowns were rather smooth and uneventful, thankfully. As usual, it's feasting non-stop and gathering with family, friends and relatives during the festive season.
We attended the CNY potluck party in CE's kindy. I brought sausages and nuggets (too lazy to prepare anything creative :p). Every year, they have lion dance, which never fail to fascinate the kids. The lions were very playful. So when CE put his hand near its mouth to feed it oranges, it "bit" him. I think his hand was pulled a bit too hard till it hurt so the silly boy cried a little. hahaha

St. John Ambulance
XY was assigned to join St. John Ambulance and Maths & Science Club for her co-curricular (Ko-K) activities. If we don't agree, we can ask the teacher for a change but I think it's good to learn some first aid knowledge in St. John. I had a hard time looking for her uniform. The smallest sized t-shirt they have is so big on her. The smallest sized pants were too loose. I bought them anyway and the pants had to be altered. Even the belt was too long and I had to cut it myself. She has Ko-K once a week and it alternates between uniform units and clubs.
Valentine's Day
Received a bouquet of flowers from hubby. It didn't turn out to be a surprise coz when hubby called around noon, I didn't mention anything so he had to ask me about it. They haven't delivered it, although they said it'll be delivered in the morning. So hubby had to call them to check. Turned out they can't find my place and a taxi guy actually delivered the flowers at 4+pm. Apparently the delivery fella sub-contracted the job to him. o.O

Slithering visitor
SIL's maid saw a little snake, about 1 foot long, in my kitchen. It must have entered through the small opening underneath the door. She quickly grabbed the broom and whacked it. It was hurt but still alive, squirming on the spot. Both the maids were scared, so I continued to whack it till it stopped moving. I was totally freaked out (thus forgot about snapping pictures :p) but someone had to do it, right? Hubby was out running errands and when he came back, he got the honour to scoop the "dead body" into a plastic bag. Afraid that the mommy snake was nearby, I called the Fire Department to lodge a report. They came in their big red truck, all ready with the snake catching tools. When we told them the snake is dead, they took the plastic bag and wanted to leave. We had to ask them to check the compound to make sure there were no snakes hiding around. One of the men said that the little snake must have been catching a rat and followed it to the house. o.O Later in the day, I bought sulphur powder and sprinkled it around the backyard.
Surprise for mom
In early March, I went back to my hometown alone for my mom's birthday, without telling her in advance. I called my brother that morning itself, to pick me up from the airport. Didn't want to tell my brothers earlier, in case they accidentally leaked my plan. hehehe And it worked! She was VERY surprised when she saw me. Mom's birthday fell on a Sat this year. I actually bought AA's tickets in May last year during their sales. I only spent 1 night at home but it was really great to spend quality time with her as when I'm back with the kids, I'm usuallydistracted by occupied with them.
Kids' health
Didi had fever on the Thursday before the 1-week school holiday. He was coughing badly. Paediatrician said it's lung infection. He was feverish for almost a week. Luckily it was during the school holiday, so he had a good rest at home.
2 weeks later, it was jie jie's turn. She started having fever on Mon (26/3). It started with runny nose, then cough. Her fever lasted for 5 days. During that time, I brought her to the clinic 3 times. The first antibiotics didn't work and had to be changed before completion, to the same type as didi's. So I guess they were attacked by the same bacteria (lung infection), although 2 weeks apart. She was absent from school for a week. She also missed her first school outing (a full day outing to Pusat Sains Negara, chocolate factory and don't-know-where-else) on Saturday. She was really disappointed.
Last Wednesday, it's back to didi's turn. :( He's got ear infection, both ears. Complained of ear pain on Wed night. PaPa came home at 11+pm and brought him to the hospital (most clinics were closed already) coz we don't have any medicine at home. He was still in pain after putting the ear drop so I gave him paracetamol. The next morning, brought him to our regular paediatrician coz I don't really trust the doctor at the A&E. Although he didn't have any fever, the doctor started him on antibiotics coz he's usually more aggressive when it comes to ear infection. Luckily he didn't complain of pain after that.
I've just received my second photobook. I bought 2 vouchers in Sept 2010. After procrastinating for more than a year, I completed didi's book in Jan and got it just before the CNY break. I wasbusy slowwwwwly working on jie jie's book last month. Finally it was done and uploaded for printing just before the expiry date (end of Mac). :p
CNY 2012
The journey back to our hometowns were rather smooth and uneventful, thankfully. As usual, it's feasting non-stop and gathering with family, friends and relatives during the festive season.
We attended the CNY potluck party in CE's kindy. I brought sausages and nuggets (too lazy to prepare anything creative :p). Every year, they have lion dance, which never fail to fascinate the kids. The lions were very playful. So when CE put his hand near its mouth to feed it oranges, it "bit" him. I think his hand was pulled a bit too hard till it hurt so the silly boy cried a little. hahaha

~ CE got "bitten" by the lion ~
St. John Ambulance
XY was assigned to join St. John Ambulance and Maths & Science Club for her co-curricular (Ko-K) activities. If we don't agree, we can ask the teacher for a change but I think it's good to learn some first aid knowledge in St. John. I had a hard time looking for her uniform. The smallest sized t-shirt they have is so big on her. The smallest sized pants were too loose. I bought them anyway and the pants had to be altered. Even the belt was too long and I had to cut it myself. She has Ko-K once a week and it alternates between uniform units and clubs.
Valentine's Day
Received a bouquet of flowers from hubby. It didn't turn out to be a surprise coz when hubby called around noon, I didn't mention anything so he had to ask me about it. They haven't delivered it, although they said it'll be delivered in the morning. So hubby had to call them to check. Turned out they can't find my place and a taxi guy actually delivered the flowers at 4+pm. Apparently the delivery fella sub-contracted the job to him. o.O
~ a dozen of red roses ~
Slithering visitor
SIL's maid saw a little snake, about 1 foot long, in my kitchen. It must have entered through the small opening underneath the door. She quickly grabbed the broom and whacked it. It was hurt but still alive, squirming on the spot. Both the maids were scared, so I continued to whack it till it stopped moving. I was totally freaked out (thus forgot about snapping pictures :p) but someone had to do it, right? Hubby was out running errands and when he came back, he got the honour to scoop the "dead body" into a plastic bag. Afraid that the mommy snake was nearby, I called the Fire Department to lodge a report. They came in their big red truck, all ready with the snake catching tools. When we told them the snake is dead, they took the plastic bag and wanted to leave. We had to ask them to check the compound to make sure there were no snakes hiding around. One of the men said that the little snake must have been catching a rat and followed it to the house. o.O Later in the day, I bought sulphur powder and sprinkled it around the backyard.
Surprise for mom
In early March, I went back to my hometown alone for my mom's birthday, without telling her in advance. I called my brother that morning itself, to pick me up from the airport. Didn't want to tell my brothers earlier, in case they accidentally leaked my plan. hehehe And it worked! She was VERY surprised when she saw me. Mom's birthday fell on a Sat this year. I actually bought AA's tickets in May last year during their sales. I only spent 1 night at home but it was really great to spend quality time with her as when I'm back with the kids, I'm usually
Kids' health
Didi had fever on the Thursday before the 1-week school holiday. He was coughing badly. Paediatrician said it's lung infection. He was feverish for almost a week. Luckily it was during the school holiday, so he had a good rest at home.
2 weeks later, it was jie jie's turn. She started having fever on Mon (26/3). It started with runny nose, then cough. Her fever lasted for 5 days. During that time, I brought her to the clinic 3 times. The first antibiotics didn't work and had to be changed before completion, to the same type as didi's. So I guess they were attacked by the same bacteria (lung infection), although 2 weeks apart. She was absent from school for a week. She also missed her first school outing (a full day outing to Pusat Sains Negara, chocolate factory and don't-know-where-else) on Saturday. She was really disappointed.
Last Wednesday, it's back to didi's turn. :( He's got ear infection, both ears. Complained of ear pain on Wed night. PaPa came home at 11+pm and brought him to the hospital (most clinics were closed already) coz we don't have any medicine at home. He was still in pain after putting the ear drop so I gave him paracetamol. The next morning, brought him to our regular paediatrician coz I don't really trust the doctor at the A&E. Although he didn't have any fever, the doctor started him on antibiotics coz he's usually more aggressive when it comes to ear infection. Luckily he didn't complain of pain after that.
I've just received my second photobook. I bought 2 vouchers in Sept 2010. After procrastinating for more than a year, I completed didi's book in Jan and got it just before the CNY break. I was

~ from birth till 3 years old ~

~ from birth till 4 years old ~
~ inside XY's photobook ~
Had to laugh at the story behind the Valentine's Day roses fr yr hubs haha! Love your photobook!
Welcome back after a long hiatus :) Interesting to read about your updates :)
Another snake story.... For me, how come ur area got snake? What if got snake eggs waiting to be hatch??
anyway ur hubs so loh man. So nice hor..
So now all the cobwebs have disappeared? lol.... never too late to blog again...
hey, i love the photobooks... nowadays so canggih one!
Talking about slithering (unwelcomed) visitors, just today, my in-law's house also had one. Scary!
Love your photobooks. I think I bought from the same batch as yours. Bought around the same time and got mine done around the same time as yours too. So ngam :) I still have another one half-done and it's expiring next week!
Welcome back! I just posted my first entry yesterday after a very long hiatus..haha.
It's nice to read your updates. You were so brave to kill the snake. Love your photobooks. Mine is expiring next month.
Hey...that's quite a story to tell...flowers came via taxi wor...very "original" florist! Hubs is really romantic! Red roses!!! NICE:)
U are one brave gutsy lady!!! I am impressed with your snake killer instincts! Really "geng"! Hope no more snake incidents after spreading sulfur around...Scary la.
Such a nice surprise for your mom too! Am sure she was touched by your gesture and glad the plan pulled off without a hitch.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! The photobook is ready! U r really diligent to extract your kids monthly pictures and the photobook will be such great keepsakes for them!!! Bravo mummy!
Welcome back! Hope all your kids are healthy now. Weather are bad and many fell ill during Jan - Mac this year. Not a good dragon year at the beginning, ya.
Nice photobooks. U just reminded me that I've not done anything to my kid's photos. Already bought the photo album but too lazy to sort out the photos. haha .....
lovely blog! my first time here :-)
great to read your updates!
Welcome back! Wah... u still received flowers on Valentine's day! I received.. nothing! hehe...
So glad ure back! Dang the snake story made my hair stand ok!! Yuck yuckyuck i dislike snakes. U were really brave!
Hope the kids wont get sick for a while anymore.. So kesian..
HFM, so drama eh. :D
mommy to chumsy, tq tq!
Rachel, snake eggs? Yikes! Dun scare me leh.
Claire, still clearing the cobwebs. hehe
HL, last time they hardly hv discounts. So fast fast buy 2 vouchers. But nowadays, they hv "sales" so often. In fact, I paid more last time for the same type of book on discount now. How abt u?
Mummy Gwen, the difficult part is to get started. Once u get the ball rolling, the photobook can be done quite fast. :)
Olive, I've done CE's one for this blog b4 (till 2 yrs old) so jes cont. from there. And since I did for CE, gotta do the same for XY too. :)
mNhL, the kids r well now, thx! I know wat u mean, the thot of going thru hundreds n thousands of photos is jes... ermm... so much work. haha
Kristie, thx for dropping by!
Merryn, no flowers for u, but loads of love from ur hubs is enuf loh. ;)
BabyBooned, yeah, I hope they've used up all of their sick quota for the year, if there's such a thing. haha
Finally u updated ur blog :) sekaligus so many news ...:) Me also getting lazy .
This year CNY we didnt go for the CNY party at kiddy, all kids was not feeling well .... so the boys miss out the lion dance :(
Very nice photobooks u had done for the kids .... this year i make one photobooks too ... but not for the kids , for the parents ... haha
Anggie, at least u update urs more often than me. :)
aiseh...what a mishap lah, yr loukung really 'failed' in his romance subject, lol :D
have to re-sit the test ok hehe
im sure doing the photobooks themselves gave good nostalgic moments :D
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