This is the first time we tried the couple seat. For that particular cinema, the couple seats are at the last 2 rows. Although the seats are in a row (no spaces in between, just the arm rest), the space is slightly bigger as the arm rest between 2 seats is removable. For 6 of us (3 adults and 3 kids), we bought tickets for 2 couple seats (4 seats altogether) and we sat very comfortably.
Before the movie, we 'wasted' some money at Jusco's playland.

~ CE particularly like those with steering wheels ~

~ even the "big" kid wants to play in the moving vehicle ~
15 comments: much fun,playing at Playland and then go for a movie.
Biasalah..spent money on the machines first..hehe. Your kids are really "guai" can go for movies some more. Overall, CE is a good boy. :)
not waste least 3 kids can play. when qiqi wanna play, it is really wasting, hehe...
my girl is sick so cant go watch that movie with my kids. everybody is gonna be stucked at home for this weekend...
my girl also like ur boy, wont sit still and enjoy the movie. but if at home, sure can sit still.. maybe we hv to wait another yr before they can enjoy themselves at the cinema like our older ones.. hehe
how nice im sure the kids enjoyed themselves
wah looks like a lot of ppl watching that movie "monster vs alien" and hubby still do NOT dare to go watch movie with our little rascal yet...hahaha...
ehhh, rachael also loves those with wheels leh...hehehe...
btw, here's also wishing your hub and dad a HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!
popcorns saves the day? haha... nice movie kan? very funny... "suuuuusaannn"... our favourite phase at the moment! haha!
Hi Slavemom, the kids looks real cute. Good looking kids.
Best regards, Lee.
I think I also have sat once in the couple seat before (during pak toh time). Hehe...
If I am not mistaken, have to pay extra right? But the seat is more comfortable.
XY and CE were ok with the loud sound system?
Your SIL's son and and CE quite look alike...
My girl also likes to have fun at playland :) After her movie outing last yr, I'd wanted to bring her this time around but she doesn't want to go. Guess have to wait till she's a bit older befre she enjoys it.
For CE, movie = popcorn. LOL! At least he's not afraid to go into the cinema. Somebody I know still is...hehe. Wah..cheh cheh is the driver huh? Can tell the kids really had great fun!
We went to the same move on Saturday. I love it because it is so hilarious.
heyyyy we were there too on wednesday! too bad didnt see your kids or i'd have definitely approached u ;p
good boy CE for not kicking up a fuss in the movies!
Destinee hasn't been into the cinema yet ... *blek*. Might try to take her to see Ice Aged 3. She loves watching 1 and 2 (DVD).
Joanne, yup, gotta pay RM1 extra for the couple seat. But children gotta pay the same price as they dun hv child price for couple seat.
The kids' 1st movie outing was in Jun last yr. Lucky for me, they were ok with the loud sound n dark room. ;)
BabyBooned, I doubt we went to the same cinema. We live rather far apart. Well, if I see Gib, I'd def recognise him too. :)
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