... when it comes to her favourite food (particularly snacks) but she can be quite forgetful in every other things.
She forgets what I've just taught her, when we do revision.
She forgets that she shouldn't shout into didi's ear.
She forgets that she shouldn't run in the house.
She forgets that she shouldn't jump on the bed/sofa.
She forgets to pass up her work in school.
She forgets to wear her watch to school.
She forgets to sit nicely when she's wearing a skirt.
... and the list goes on.
Some days, I let her drink milk or vitagen in the car on the way to school. I'll usually take it out from the fridge 10-15 minutes earlier so that it's not too cold. The kids have sensitive lungs when they were much younger (CE still) so I don't let them take cold drinks/fruits/food straight from the fridge. XY has no problems taking cold stuff now. But I guess it has become a habit (for me), that's why she still has to wait awhile before consuming the drinks/food.
Anyway, back to the story. The other day, we were already in the car, getting ready to go out of the house, then XY exclaimed that I've forgotten to take her drink (which was left on the dining table). So I've to get out of the car, unlock the house door, take her drink, then lock the door (again) and get into the car. This has happened twice and BOTH times, she reminded me when we were in the car, before I reversed it out. Superb memory huh... when it comes to her favourite drink. :-)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Versatile Blogger Award
I've got an award. I've got an award. The Versatile Blogger Award! Wooh-hoo!

To accept this award I must:
1. List 7 random things about yourself
(a) Nowadays, I scold (the other drivers) a lot when I'm behind the wheels. :p Bad influence from hubby. hahaha
(b) I don't have any decorations in my car -- nothing on the dashboard or dangling from the mirror. Don't know why, but I guess it's a good thing as there's no obstruction of view.
(c) Currently, I'm using 12 types of products for my facial regimen (of coz, not all at the same time lah). Errr... but but but how come my face not smooth like tofu. :p
(d) I like to hug a bolster to sleep.
(e) I don't really know how to whistle.
(f) Recently, I discovered that it's very easy and convenient to download English movies/series from the internet. Looking for the right subtitles (that sync with the show) is a breeze too.
(g) I have difficulty sleeping after drinking chinese tea.
2. Share the award with up to 15 other bloggers
3. Link to each of the recipients and let them know they've won via comments on their blogs
Won't be tagging anyone as most of you have done it already.
4. Thank and bring the love back to the person you won the award from by linking back to them
Thank you Joanne, for the award and tag! I'm truly honoured. And sorry for taking so long to complete it. :p

To accept this award I must:
1. List 7 random things about yourself
(a) Nowadays, I scold (the other drivers) a lot when I'm behind the wheels. :p Bad influence from hubby. hahaha
(b) I don't have any decorations in my car -- nothing on the dashboard or dangling from the mirror. Don't know why, but I guess it's a good thing as there's no obstruction of view.
(c) Currently, I'm using 12 types of products for my facial regimen (of coz, not all at the same time lah). Errr... but but but how come my face not smooth like tofu. :p
(d) I like to hug a bolster to sleep.
(e) I don't really know how to whistle.
(f) Recently, I discovered that it's very easy and convenient to download English movies/series from the internet. Looking for the right subtitles (that sync with the show) is a breeze too.
(g) I have difficulty sleeping after drinking chinese tea.
2. Share the award with up to 15 other bloggers
3. Link to each of the recipients and let them know they've won via comments on their blogs
Won't be tagging anyone as most of you have done it already.
4. Thank and bring the love back to the person you won the award from by linking back to them
Thank you Joanne, for the award and tag! I'm truly honoured. And sorry for taking so long to complete it. :p
Thursday, July 22, 2010
On Her Birthday

~ take picture first before going out ~
We ate dim sum for brunch at Tai Thong. As usual, she had dessert after she's finished her meal. But for her special day, I allowed her to finish the whole portion herself. She chose jelly with longan dessert and was very generous to give me a few mouthfuls. :-) Later on, she had another treat of ice-cream cone when we passed by McD. She was very happy coz she had the whole cone to herself.
After that, we headed home for the kids to have some rest as there'll be a "party" at night. As usual, I've to make balloon decorations. I think it'll be a ritual for years to come (till they outgrow it) as when you do it for one sibling, you've to do it for the other. This time, I just hung the balloons at the curtain rail -- a bit lazy lah. Well, as long as the lil boss gave the green light, anything will do.
~ standing on the sofa ~
It was a very simple dinner. We had Domino's pizza and Kakak's fried bihun. As for the cake, XY chose the design (she's starting the "princess" phase) and I chose the flavour -- blueberry vanilla sponge cake. First time I ordered from Sugar Bun. Not bad, not bad.

~ princess cake ~
~ didi was crying coz he got scolded and whacked
by PaPa for breaking one of the candles ~
by PaPa for breaking one of the candles ~
Knowing that she loves presents (who doesn't, right? :D), SIL and I purposely wrap her gifts individually. So she got 6 pressies all together. I even wrapped the swimming suit which we bought the week before (she tried before buying) and treated it as her birthday present. hahaha

~ she especially love the musical jewelry box
and custom-made bracelet from MLTB ~
and custom-made bracelet from MLTB ~
Sunday, July 18, 2010
3 & 7
Slavery Bliss is three! It has survived another year. Yay! Although the postings are getting lesser and lesser, I'm very thankful to you all, my loyal readers (real and virtual friends) for your continuous support.
Since I got bored with the old header and template, I decided to give this blog a facelift. For the header, I must give credit to Jazz for the inspiration. Her tutorial on collage pictures was a good guide.
This is my old header and template, posted here for my keepsake. :-)

Today is also XY's birthday. We were supposed to go for a 1-night holiday but because didi just recovered from flu and PaPa's extremely exhausted (been working REALLY late this whole week), we decided to postpone the trip to 2 weeks later. She wasn't disappointed coz she didn't know about the trip in the first place.
She didn't change much compared to last year. Apart from being helpful, loving sister and rude girl, this is her at seven years of age :
Weight - 22 kg
Height - 123 cm
Big Crybaby
She's a big crybaby at home. Cries easily when she doesn't get what she wants. When didi bullies her (whack or say something that irritates her). When we scold her or raise our voice. Sigh... she sometimes cries for no valid reasons.
She can bathe by herself. Still not good at washing her own hair though. Before she goes to school, she'll bathe and change into her uniform on her own.
Now that she doesn't nap on school days (she's in the afternoon session), she prefers not to nap during weekends too. I sometimes force her to nap when I know they won't be sleeping at their normal bedtime. Basically she doesn't need a nap when we stay home the whole day. But she'd surely doze off in the car, on our way home after an outing.
She's getting more and more vain by the day. Every time we go out (even to the coffee shop), she wants to change into something nice. :-| If we go kai kai, she'd surely ask for a dress. She loves to accessorise herself. Even tying a string around her neck (to act like necklace) would make her happy.
She's lost 2 baby teeth (lower central incisors) and although the permanent ones were very visible before the extraction, they are nicely aligned now (luckily). The upper central incisors are loose now. But no sign of the permanent ones. Hopefully they'll drop off by themselves without visiting the dentist.
She's very interested to know what we're talking about, what I'm writing/typing. Sometimes when I'm drafting my post, she'll be next to me, reading and asking questions (really irritating!). She can read quite well. Although she doesn't know the meaning of all the words, she can roughly understand the content. So better not write too many bad stuff about her here. hahaha
Since I got bored with the old header and template, I decided to give this blog a facelift. For the header, I must give credit to Jazz for the inspiration. Her tutorial on collage pictures was a good guide.
This is my old header and template, posted here for my keepsake. :-)

Today is also XY's birthday. We were supposed to go for a 1-night holiday but because didi just recovered from flu and PaPa's extremely exhausted (been working REALLY late this whole week), we decided to postpone the trip to 2 weeks later. She wasn't disappointed coz she didn't know about the trip in the first place.
She didn't change much compared to last year. Apart from being helpful, loving sister and rude girl, this is her at seven years of age :
Weight - 22 kg
Height - 123 cm
Big Crybaby
She's a big crybaby at home. Cries easily when she doesn't get what she wants. When didi bullies her (whack or say something that irritates her). When we scold her or raise our voice. Sigh... she sometimes cries for no valid reasons.
She can bathe by herself. Still not good at washing her own hair though. Before she goes to school, she'll bathe and change into her uniform on her own.
Now that she doesn't nap on school days (she's in the afternoon session), she prefers not to nap during weekends too. I sometimes force her to nap when I know they won't be sleeping at their normal bedtime. Basically she doesn't need a nap when we stay home the whole day. But she'd surely doze off in the car, on our way home after an outing.
She's getting more and more vain by the day. Every time we go out (even to the coffee shop), she wants to change into something nice. :-| If we go kai kai, she'd surely ask for a dress. She loves to accessorise herself. Even tying a string around her neck (to act like necklace) would make her happy.
She's lost 2 baby teeth (lower central incisors) and although the permanent ones were very visible before the extraction, they are nicely aligned now (luckily). The upper central incisors are loose now. But no sign of the permanent ones. Hopefully they'll drop off by themselves without visiting the dentist.
She's very interested to know what we're talking about, what I'm writing/typing. Sometimes when I'm drafting my post, she'll be next to me, reading and asking questions (really irritating!). She can read quite well. Although she doesn't know the meaning of all the words, she can roughly understand the content. So better not write too many bad stuff about her here. hahaha
~o~o~o~ Happy 7th Birthday, XY ! ~o~o~o~
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Crybaby Didn't Cry
Last Friday, XY was given 2 injections and an oral vaccination in school. She was so proud to tell me she didn't cry at all while some of her classmates did. (Then why is she such a crybaby at home? hmmm...) She repeated it many times coz she wanted me to praise her many many times. *shake head* I found out from our paediatrician (when I brought CE for consultation) the vaccines are MMR, Triple and Polio boosters. She complained her left arm hurts and doctor said it could hurt for 1 to 3 days. I think the pain subsided on the 3rd day.
Rewind to 3rd July...
PaPa went alone to collect her report card. I was home with the kids. We're very pleased that her teacher didn't have anything to complain. When PaPa asked about her talkativeness and restlessness, her teacher said it's normal for Standard 1 students. In other words, she's within the "tolerance limit". hahaha
For the mid-year results, only 4 subjects (BM, English, Maths and Science) are calculated to determine the position in class, although 8 were tested. She made us so proud by getting 4th in class (out of 41). Position in the whole standard will only be calculated after the year-end exams. Before her exam, I told her it doesn't matter what position she got, as long as she doesn't do careless mistakes. I'm really happy she did less (not totally none) careless mistakes as compared to her assessments earlier. And she's also getting the habit (with constant reminder) of checking her work before passing up her papers.
So as to reward her, we'll be going for a short holiday (just 1 night) to celebrate her birthday (coming soon). I've also bought a pencil box (the rectangle box type. It's one of her "nice-to-have" things) and custom ordered a bracelet from Mom's Little Treasure Box as her birthday gifts. The pencil box would be a surprise but not the bracelet coz she chose the charms herself. Now the only thing pending is the cake. The "boss" hasn't decided on the design she wants. The "party" (to the kids, birthday = party) will be a simple dinner at home with her cousins (staying opposite).
Rewind to 3rd July...
PaPa went alone to collect her report card. I was home with the kids. We're very pleased that her teacher didn't have anything to complain. When PaPa asked about her talkativeness and restlessness, her teacher said it's normal for Standard 1 students. In other words, she's within the "tolerance limit". hahaha
For the mid-year results, only 4 subjects (BM, English, Maths and Science) are calculated to determine the position in class, although 8 were tested. She made us so proud by getting 4th in class (out of 41). Position in the whole standard will only be calculated after the year-end exams. Before her exam, I told her it doesn't matter what position she got, as long as she doesn't do careless mistakes. I'm really happy she did less (not totally none) careless mistakes as compared to her assessments earlier. And she's also getting the habit (with constant reminder) of checking her work before passing up her papers.
So as to reward her, we'll be going for a short holiday (just 1 night) to celebrate her birthday (coming soon). I've also bought a pencil box (the rectangle box type. It's one of her "nice-to-have" things) and custom ordered a bracelet from Mom's Little Treasure Box as her birthday gifts. The pencil box would be a surprise but not the bracelet coz she chose the charms herself. Now the only thing pending is the cake. The "boss" hasn't decided on the design she wants. The "party" (to the kids, birthday = party) will be a simple dinner at home with her cousins (staying opposite).
Monday, July 05, 2010
Sports Day 2010
Yesterday was CE's kindy's Sports Day. It was held at Stadium Universiti Tenaga. Although it rained at the beginning, it soon stopped and the weather was just nice. It wasn't a windy day but wasn't hot either. The events were held on the track, right in front of the spectators stand (which has a roof). That area was shaded as the sun was behind the stand.

CE is in the blue team. He was very happy with his blue t-shirt when his teacher distributed their sports tee. You see, blue is his favourite colour. But the funny thing is, when we went to buy his sports shoes last Wednesday (last minute thing coz the teacher said Crocs shoes are not suitable for running on the track), he chose a red and black pair (instead of the blue and yellow one). He loved his shoes so much he wore it in the house (while it's still new, if worn already, I won't allow it :p). At first, he refused to wear socks but I told him he has to wear socks with sports shoes. Otherwise he cannot go to the stadium. He was still fussing and complaining but I ignored him. Don't know why he hates wearing socks so much. Luckily he didn't complain anymore when we're at the stadium.

In his event, squeezing sponge with water into a small bottle, CE's team came out first. And he got a gold medal. Every student who participated will get a medal as there're only 3 teams. Jie jie was very envious of his medal and when they got home, she got him to trade it with the trophy she got 2 years ago. hahaha And he agreed! She's been "wearing" the medal the whole day. *shake head*

I met Anggie for the first time. Jeremy's in the same kindy as CE, but different branch. The pretty mommy is very friendly and Jeremy's such a smiley boy, like his mommy. When we introduced the boys, they waved and said "hi" to each other and shook hands (as per our request hehehe). I guess we'll be seeing more of each other as there are some combined events for the kindy (annual concert or excursions).

~ waiting at the students' camp for guests to arrive ~
CE is in the blue team. He was very happy with his blue t-shirt when his teacher distributed their sports tee. You see, blue is his favourite colour. But the funny thing is, when we went to buy his sports shoes last Wednesday (last minute thing coz the teacher said Crocs shoes are not suitable for running on the track), he chose a red and black pair (instead of the blue and yellow one). He loved his shoes so much he wore it in the house (while it's still new, if worn already, I won't allow it :p). At first, he refused to wear socks but I told him he has to wear socks with sports shoes. Otherwise he cannot go to the stadium. He was still fussing and complaining but I ignored him. Don't know why he hates wearing socks so much. Luckily he didn't complain anymore when we're at the stadium.

~ his 1st pair of sports shoes ~
In his event, squeezing sponge with water into a small bottle, CE's team came out first. And he got a gold medal. Every student who participated will get a medal as there're only 3 teams. Jie jie was very envious of his medal and when they got home, she got him to trade it with the trophy she got 2 years ago. hahaha And he agreed! She's been "wearing" the medal the whole day. *shake head*

~ prize giving ceremony ~
I met Anggie for the first time. Jeremy's in the same kindy as CE, but different branch. The pretty mommy is very friendly and Jeremy's such a smiley boy, like his mommy. When we introduced the boys, they waved and said "hi" to each other and shook hands (as per our request hehehe). I guess we'll be seeing more of each other as there are some combined events for the kindy (annual concert or excursions).
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