~ ball lantern ~
I've made this before but have forgotten how to. When I read about Merryn's colleague making it, it sort of triggered my memory after I looked at the lantern closely. And lucky for those who doesn't know how to make this, she's just posted the guide in her blog.
The red looked quite dull to me so I cut out some round pattern from other red packets and stuck them on the "ball". The end result looks rather weird to me, but never mind lah, lazy to change it already. :p
~ 6-point star lantern ~

~ CE's school project ~
Also referring to Merryn's blog, I made this star lantern. But it's slightly different from hers as I used the bigger red packets (length = 2x width) so I needed 6 to make one side of the star. Later I found some smaller red packets (length < 2x width) so I made another one. I let CE bring the 5-point star lantern to school as his school project, although he didn't help at all. Actually he wanted to help, but I didn't want him to ruin MY lantern. hahaha

~ "grand" lantern :D ~
This is my favourite. It looks very complicated, but thanks to Angeline's step-by-step guide, it wasn't that difficult actually. But I'd like to add a note here, when you are sticking the red packets to get Step 12 and Step 34, don't stick them too close together. Leave a small teeny weeny gap (less than 1mm). Reason being, they are the outer layer, so the little extra space will make it look tidier after fitting the inner section. Errr... you've got to read her post first before you know what I'm talking about. :-)
Now there's just the porch lanterns that need changing. Still haven't found nice and not-too-expensive ones. :p
Oh ya, thank you for your feedback on the bracelet. Looks like it's a close fight between the twisted and as is version, with as is winning by 2 votes. hehehe So this CNY, I'll be wearing it as is. And say, a few months later, it's twisted's turn. :-)
I would like to learn to make the star lantern:)
BTW, I have an award for you. Do check it out at my site:)
wow..nice..I did the ball lantern too but it turned out differently :)
Very very nice, I like all! we have very little decoration every year :(
Very nicely done!
I like your grand lantern! Can make one for me? I saw the instruction and it just overwhelms me... macam so much work! Haha.. I only do simple stuffs.. complicated ones like that.. err.. must have lots of motivation to even start! :D
Wah..hou sai lei ah. I like the grand lantern. Actually, all also nice.
Great effort there. They are all very nice. I like the grand lantern... and the ball one and the star one is also nice. Like I said, they are all nice :)
Wow very rajinlah you! :) Lovely lanterns!! Kong Xi Fatt Chai!
Good timing to write this post. Thanks!
wuah........ this wan only those tai-tai that sit at home & shake legs can do lar :D
you saved a lot of $$ on them this year, good job :P
WOW!!! I am really very impressed! The "grand" lantern sure is very GRAND! I love it! You really have lotsa patience! Hats off to you!
Very nice...you should join Antabax's FB contest ....hurry up Join that contest.
The prize is not bad lol.
WOW!!! I'm so impressed, you did an awesome job with all your very lovely lanterns and roped in XY to help even! Very Nice :)
So nice!!!! The ball and grand lantern looks like something bought from outside!
I love the ball lantern(doesn't look weird to me) and your grand creative, it's beautiful! I must reckon that you have a pair of handy hands, ok... part of the credits also goes to XY and CE! Bravo kids(I can't wait for mine to help me out, lol)!
Have a nice day!
WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAA! ur grand lantern! cin sui man! gongheifattchoy!
Wow...you DIY 3 types of lanterns. All are very nice!
dang those lanterns look really good! wouldn't have known that u made them if u didnt tell me ;D
ah thanks for sharing. I also went and did 1 kekeke
LOVE all the lanterns you made! happy CNY to you and family!
I love them!!! You're so rajin lah!! Kong Hei Fatt Choy to you & your family!
i think all lanterns look nice...with the grand one exceptionally the most gorgeous!
doesnt matter if it's DIY...i guess the togetherness and the bonding during the activity is the MOST important...besides, it gives a more CNY feel rite? *grin*
yay! my vote counts - the as is bracelet i mean *wink*
The lanterns were beutifully done. You are so patient and "yao sam gei" in making it:-)
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