Saturday, January 08, 2011

First Week Of School

Day 1
PaPa played chauffeur, fetching didi to school in the morning and jie jie, in the afternoon. So I got to goyang kaki (relax) at home till my "shift" in the evening (to fetch jie jie back). :-)

He didn't accompany didi, the little boy walked to his classroom by himself. He's just like jie jie when she was in kindy, quite independent. At home, he told me they played dough and games in school.

As for jie jie, PaPa accompanied her to the classroom as he needed to settle the school fees with the teacher. Jie jie cried in the classroom because she didn't manage to get a seat at the front. She was sitting behind and was afraid she can't see the white board. The manja girl needed to be pacified by PaPa before she stopped crying. *shake head*

She received the time-table. I didn't expect that coz last year (in Standard 1), she only got the time-table in the 2nd week. Looks like they are not THAT slack actually. hehehe

Day 2
Jie jie forgot to bring back her Science pack (I prepared individual plastic bags for her to put her books according to subject). Her text book and note book were inside the pack. She claimed she left it under her desk.

Day 3
Couldn't find the books. So when I picked her up from school, I spoke to her class teacher and she said she'll help me look for it the next day.

Jie jie wore her rain coat for the first time. It was raining very heavily. I bought it last November and since then, she's been waiting for the chance to wear it.

Didi wet his pants in the school toilet. He didn't position "it" properly, so ter-sprayed on his pants too.

Day 4
Jie jie found her Science pack. *phew*

After sending jie jie to school, we (didi, Kakak and I) went to Tesco. Had lunch at The Chicken Rice Shop. We shopped till it was time to pick jie jie up = spent 4 hours in Tesco. I've never shopped so long there. You must be wondering if I bought the whole Tesco huh? :p Actually we spent quite some time at the clothes department coz Kakak was looking for some t-shirts.

Day 5
Didi started having runny nose in the morning and woke up with a fever after his nap. :-( First week of school already fallen sick. Haih... Up till now (Day 6, night), he's taken 3 doses of paracetamol. Highest temperature recorded was 38.2ºC. Hope his fever will not come back later.

Jie jie forgot to bring back her water tumbler. Aiyo... so forgetful like an old lady.


Alice Law said...

LOL, CE reminds me of my younger days, I used to be really absent minded too... ok, now I'm still quite 'Mong Char Char' one!;p

Oh dear, I hope di di, has back to his normal self! Rest well and take more water di di!

Have a nice Sunday!
p/s: So envy, you have got a very caring and thoughtful hubby!^-^

Mummy Gwen said...

Gwen also quite forgetful. She forgot to put her water tumbler back in her school bag so many times already. I check her bag everyday when I pick her up from school.

Primary school is a big thing..some more only 1st week. Give her some time to adjust to school I'm sure she won't forget her things again.

I hope Didi recovers soon.

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

dang, what a week

the first week of school seems to be the most chaotic! errr make that the first few weeks la..

Wyson said...

oh, CE was sick? So do W, he's been absent from kindy since thursday..also getting worst, flu and cough pulak. Hope CE getting better..

Oliveoylz said...

First things first...hope didi recovers quickly. Jie jie must be a tall girl to be sitting behind. My boy's sitting second last row...he was not very happy about that too...and his neighbour keeps disturbing him, asking for rubber, mechanic pencil etc...aiyo!

You are geng man...can shop so long at tesco...di di is very kwai to patiently wait as kakak shops for her baju.

mNhL said...

Hope CE recovered soon. XY must be scare when she was place at the back. I would love to sit in front too when I was a student. I'm afraid I can't hear what the teacher say.

chanelwong said...

They will adjust themselves fast...I am sure they will...

Happy New Year...

Anggie's Journal said...

Jeremy just start Kindy, then also fall sick , but flu only !!!
Mayb u can write a small note and stick to jie jie pencil box , what to bring back and so on, a lil reminder for her :P

Adrine said...

Hope didi will be alright soon. He must have picked up germs from school.

About jie jie, I think forgetting to bring back books and water tumbler is very, very common. (ha ha... reminds me of myself when i was a kid!)

cre8tone said...

So details about the 1st week of schooling...

NomadicMom said...

Waaaa. 4 hours at Tesco?

Lee said...

Hi Slavemom, I guess its a thrill as well slight apprehension to see your kids leaving the nest to be with another woman or man....
they learning now to be independent.

And I bet you enjoying their excitement of what happened in school.

Have fun, kids grow real fast once start school.
Best regards, Lee.

sting said...

how is didi? hope he gets well soon...

now got more me-time ya? yippee for you!! :P

Priscilla said...

Hai.. My Annie is the same laa.. super forgetful.. she leaves her bottles all over town! At tuition class.. piano class... cousin's house... that's why I buy some spare in case!! :)

jacss said...

ooi was having late lunch...i nearly choke my cili padi up my nose reading didi 'terspray', LOL
4 hours in tesco, gosh...i would have tertidur loh :P's wishing didi get well soon & jie-jie fast fast settle down, k !!

andrewjune said...

"ter-spray" hahaha...

not only jie jie forgot to take back her tumbler...mine as well!

happy schooling, kids!

Reanaclaire said...

hello...visiting u here have u been? Happy Chinese New Year.. :)

Sarah's Daddy and Mommy said...

XY and CE very independent in school. Good!

As for Sarah, she did cried for almost a mth time. I actually do not how bad was her cries but this is what she told me.