~ the bloody gauze ~
She was very excited as she knew she'll be getting a little something from the tooth fairy at night. She asked for a plastic bag to keep her little tooth and happily put in under her pillow at bedtime. The "tooth fairy" couldn't find the plastic bag in the dark and didn't want to disturb her sleep. So the "tooth fairy" just left the coin there without taking the tooth. As expected, XY was satisfied with her 50 sen reward. But she asked me how come the tooth fairy didn't take the tooth away. I think I mumbled something like, "Oh really? Never mind lah. Just give it to me." coz I was still sleepy. hahaha
She's been a really brave girl and never gave me any problems when it comes to dental care and dentist encounters. I hope didi will be the same too. Haven't brought him for a check-up before. Maybe I'll start psyching him and bring him before the holiday's over.
Ginie, u was so brave to pull out the teeth , if me...hmmm, maybe in a 100 yrs also wont happened...hahahaha... will let the expert do aka dentist..
both u and XY were brave. I dont think I have the guts to pull Philip's tooth one day.
You are so GENG, your girl can really endure pain while you plucking her tooth.
Instead of waiting for the tooth fairy, my mum actually told us to chuck the tooth out from the window so that it will grow back again. The tooth fairy method is certainly more interesting for kids!^-^
Have a nice day ahead!
Hehe...Didi's reaction was so cute. :) You are very brave lah...I don't think I can bring myself to pull out the shaky tooth. Also, jie jie was brave too to endure the "kan cheong" episode.
buy a kiddie book about dentist and check-ups first?
Think that's what I did... and the first check-up was pretty easy. You need to go to a "child-friendly" dentist. He counted the kids teeth like a game etc etc. So boys were never afraid of dentist like I was. Even when my kids had funny teeth that grew out of the middle of the palate and had to be extracted, it was mommy that was more afraid!!
Mummy so geng, become dentist somemore..
Good move mummy dentist! i can never persuade them to let me pull even though sooo lose already!
You should have studied dentistry! Very brave of you! Several times over the years, my boy requested me to yank his shaky tooth out, but I never succeeded. My knees go weak after rotating the tooth several times. hahah.
When it comes to Chloe's dental care, I can only floss and brush her teeth for her. Teeth extraction, I will definitely fail big time haha. I will freak out first before she does! I salute you for your courage :)
haiyo...the bloody gauze is gross lar !!
the tooth fairy so kedekut lor, 50cent only wor, LOL ?????
haha..i used to pull my kids' teeth too..
first tooth, n the honours is mommy's as much as the tooth fairy! :) XY must have been relieved u got it out wo u telling her.
bravo to u!! hehe i think i'd be making such a big deal about the loose tooth, not acting "cool" like u did! :p the part where CE gave the drama was too cute!
both mummy n CE sooo brave....
well, a mummy wears many hats nd it's so true in your case :-) I love the part about not finding the tooth but left the coin anyway! hahahaha
i used to pull of my own shaking tooth when i was younger. haha! now come to think of it, scary siot. u terer man, i need to coax lil missy to dentist soon lar, she nvr go before :(
when i was young, i pulled my own milk teeth.
I'm coming here to make friend with you :) feel free to make a return visit ya
You are very brave to pull it out..hehe...and your Didi was such a determined girl too...
UmmiRosma @ www.ummirosma.blogspot.com
u so daring! I sent qiqi to have her loosen tooth extracted at the clinic almost each week as she keeps on having loose tooth which is very uncomfortable when comes to eating.
Dear all, I'm not as brave as u thot. I felt really geli when she moved the vy loose tooth with her tongue. I wudn't dare to pull it out. But when it bled, I had no choice.
Jac, got so many teeth leh. If give too hi reward, "tooth fairy" bankrupt loh. hahaha
bp, actually that was her 5th extracted bb tooth. :) The prev 4 all extracted by the REAL dentist.
Irene, u lagi terer! ;)
Wenn, then u must hv helped ur parents saved a lot of money. ;)
UmmiRosma, thx for dropping by!
good job, XY :)
i thk i will panic when i see blood coming out fr her mouth!
You actually pulled the tooth out? Yikes, you are so daring! I would never dare try it!!
My mom used to do the same thing to me when I was a kid.
And after few observation from how my mom did it, I tried it myself and it worked! I was able to pull out the teeth all by myself!
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